JavaScript::Code - A JavaScript Code Framework



use strict;
use warnings;
use JavaScript::Code;
use JavaScript::Code::Condition;
use JavaScript::Code::Expression::Boolean qw/AND OR NOT EQUAL NOT_EQUAL/;
use JavaScript::Code::Variable;
use JavaScript::Code::Function;

# create the code object
my $code = JavaScript::Code->new();

# create a code block
my $block = JavaScript::Code::Block->new();

# create some variables
my $var1 = JavaScript::Code::Variable->new()->name('a');
my $var2 = JavaScript::Code::Variable->new()->name('b')->value(42);
my $var3 = JavaScript::Code::Variable->new()->name('c')->value(23);
my $var4 = JavaScript::Code::Variable->new()->name('x')->declared( 1 ); # could have been declared in a other script
my $var5 = JavaScript::Code::Variable->new()->name('y')->value( ['test', 'uhu', $var4] );

# add some of them to the code block
$block->add( [ $var2, $var3] );

# create some numbers
my $x1 = JavaScript::Code::Number->new()->value( 10 );
my $x2 = JavaScript::Code::Number->new()->value( 20 );
my $x3 = JavaScript::Code::Number->new()->value( 30 );

# build expressions
my $c0 = $x1 + $x2;
my $c1 = $var2 - ($c0 + $x1->value(30)) * $x2->value(40);
my $c2 = $c1 * $var3;

# assign a expression to a variable and add it to your code block
$block->add( JavaScript::Code::Variable->new()->name('d')->value( $c2 ) );

# add more stuff to your code block
$block->add( JavaScript::Code::Block->new()->add( $var1->value("Bar!") ) );
$block->add( $var1->clone->value("Foo!") ); # clone 'a' and give it a new value

# boolean expressions
my $foo = $c0->as_variable( name => 'foo' );
my $e1 = EQUAL( $foo, $x3 );

# conditions
my $cond = JavaScript::Code::Condition->new;
$cond->add_if( expression => $e1, block => $block );
$cond->add_if( expression => NOT_EQUAL( $foo, $x3 ), block => $block );
$cond->else( $block );

# add your block and other stuff to the code object
$code->add( $foo );
$code->add( [ $var4->value( 4711 ), $var1->value( "Perl!" ) ] );
$code->add( $cond );
$code->add( $var2->value(21) ); # 'b' with value 21 (note the different scope)
$code->add( $var5 );
$code->add_variable( name => "y", value => 'Larry', index => 16 );

my $func1block = JavaScript::Code::Block->new();
$func1block->add( JavaScript::Code::Function::BuildIn->return->call( '"test"')->as_element );

my $func1 = JavaScript::Code::Function->new( name => "foofunc", block => $func1block );
$func1->parameters( qw[ p1 p2 p3 p4 ] );
$code->add( $func1 );
$code->add( $func1->call([ $var5, $var2, '"foo"', 12 ])->as_variable( name => 'result' ) );

# output to be embedded in your html code
print $code->output_for_html;


Create javascript-code!


$self->add( $element )

Adds a new element.

$self->elements( )

Returns a ref-array of all added elements.

$self->output( )

Returns the javascript-code.

$self->output_for_html( < \%args > )

Returns the javascript-code that can be directly embedded into html-code.

Optimal \%args: Key-value pairs that reprensent attributes that will be associated to the script tag.

print $code->output_for_html( { language => undef } );




Sascha Kiefer,


This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.