Lingua::PTD - Module to handle PTD files in Dumper Format


use Lingua::PTD;

$ptd = Lingua::PTD->new( $ptd_file );


PTD files in Perl Dumper format are simple hashes references. But they use a specific structure, and this module provides a simple interface to manipulate it.


The new constructor returns a new Lingua::PTD object. This constructor receives a PTD file in dumper format.

my $ptd = Lingua::PTD->new( $ptd_file );

If the filename matches with /dmp.bz2$/ (that is, ends in dmp.bz2) it is considered to be a bzip2 file and will be decompressed in the fly.

If it ends in <.sqlite>, then it is supposed to contain an SQLite file with the dictionary (with Lingua::PTD standard schema!).

Extra arguments are a flatenned hash with configuration variables. Following options are recognized:


Sets verbosity.

my $ptd = Lingua::PTD->new( $ptd_file, verbose => 1 );


With no arguments returns if the methods are configured to use verbose mode, or not. If an argument is supplied, it is interpreted as a boolean value, and sets methods verbosity.



The dump method is used to write the PTD in its own format, but taking care to sort words lexicographically, and sorting translations by their probability (starting with higher probabilities).

The format is Perl code, and thus, can be used independetly of this module.


Note that the dump method writes to the Standard Output stream.


The words method returns an array (not a reference) to the list of words of the dictionary: its domain. Pass a true value as argument and the list is returned sorted.

my @words = $ptd->words;


The trans method receives a word, and returns the list of its possible translations.

my @translations = $ptd->trans( "dog" );


Checks if a word is in a dictionary


The transHash method receives a word, and returns an hash where keys are the its possible translations, and values the corresponding translation probabilities.

my %trans = $ptd->transHash( "dog" );

Returns the empty hash if the word does not exist.


The prob method receives a word and a translation, and returns the probability of that word being translated that way.

my $probability = $ptd->prob("cat", "gato");


Returns the total number of words from the source-corpus that originated the PTD. Basically, the sum of the count attribute for all words.

my $size = $ptd->size;


The count method receives a word and returns the occurrence count for that word.

my $count = $ptd->count("cat");

If no argument is supplied, returns the total dictionary count (sum of all words).


Computes a bunch of statistics about the PTD and returns them in an hash reference.


This method subtracts to the domain of a PTD, the elements present on a set of elements. This set can be defines as another PTD (domain is used), as a Perl array reference, as a Perl hash reference (domain is used) or as a Perl array (not reference). Returns the dictionary after domain subtraction takes place.

# removes portuguese articles from the dictionary
$ptd->subtractDomain( qw.o a os as. );

# removes a set of stop words from the dictionary
$ptd->subtractDomain( \@stopWords );

# removes the words present on other_ptd from ptd
$ptd->subtractDomain( $other_ptd );


Domain restrict function: interface is similar to subtractDomain function

This method restricts the domain of a PTD to a set of elements. This set can be defines as another PTD (domain is used), as a Perl array reference, as a Perl hash reference (domain is used) or as a Perl array (not reference). Returns the dictionary after domain restriction takes place.

# restrict the dictionary to a set of words
$ptd->restrictDomain( \@someWords );


This method recalculates all probabilities accordingly with the number of translations available.

For instance, if you have

home => casa => 25%
     => lar  => 25%

The resulting dictionary will have

home => casa => 50%
     => lar  => 50%

Note that this methods replaces the object.


This method intersects the current object with the supplied PTD. Note that this method replaces the object values.

Occurrences count in the final dictionary is the minimum occurrence value of the two dictionaries.

Only translations present on both dictionary are kept. The probability will be the minimum on the two dictionaries.


This method adds the current PTD with the supplied one (first argument). Note that this method replaces the object values.


This method iterates over a dictionary and calls the function supplied as argument. This function will receive, in each call, the word in the source language, the number of occurrences, and the hash of translations.

$ptd->downtr( sub { my ($w,$c,%t) = @_;
                    if ($w =~ /[^A-Za-z0-9]/) {
                        return undef;
                    } else {
                        return toentry($w,$c,%t);
           filter => 1);

Set the filter flag if your downtr function is replacing the original dictionary.


This function is exported by default and creates a dictionary entry given the word, word count, and hash of translations. Check downtr for an example.


Method to save a PTD in another format. First argument is the name of the format, second is the filename to be used. Supported formats are <dmp> for Perl Dump format, <bz2> for Bzipped Perl Dump format, <xz>, for Lzma xz Perl Dump format and <sqlite> for SQLite database file.

Return undef if the format is not known. Returns 0 if save failed. A true value in success.


This method replaces the dictionary, in place, lowercasing all entries. This is specially usefull to process transation dictionaries obtained with the -utf8 flag that (at the moment) does case sensitive alignment.

$ptd->lowercase(verbose => 1);

NOTE: we are using case folding, that might no be always what you expect, but proven to be more robust than relying on the system lowercase implementation.


Create unambiguous-concept traslation sets.

my $result =  ucts($ptd1, $ptd2, m=>0.1, M=>0.8);

Available options are:


Mininum number of occurences of each token. Must be an integer (default: 10).


Manixum number of occurences of each token. Must be an integer (default: 100).


Minimum probabilty for translation. Must be a probability in the interval [0,1] (default: 0.2).


Minimum probabilty for the inverse translations. Must be a probability in the interval [0,1] (default: 0.8).


Print rank (default: 0).


Pretty print output (default: 0).


Pretty print output to file filename.


Create bi-words sets given a PTD pair.

my $result = bws($ptd1, $ptd2, m=>0.1, p=>0.4);

$ptd1 and $ptd2 can be filenames for the PTDs or already create PTD objects.

The following options are available:


Mininum number of occurences of each token. Must be an integer (default: 10).


Minimum probabilty for translation. Must be a probability in the interval [0,1] (default: 0.4).


Print rank (default: 0).


Pretty print output (default: 0).


Pretty print output to file filename.


NATools(3), perl(1)


Alberto Manuel Brandão Simões, <>


Copyright (C) 2008-2022 by Alberto Manuel Brandão Simões