Math::JS - Emulate JavaScript arithmetic in perl
Assign numeric values to Math::JS objects, and perform arithmetic
operations on those values according to the rules that JavaScript
This module was prompted by
and the unexpected arithmetical behaviour revealed therein.
JavaScript uses the C 'double' as its floating point data type, and
therefore the building of Math::JS is restricted to perls that have
that same configuration - ie where $Config{nvtype} is 'double' and
$Config{nvsize} is 8.
Prior to perl-5.30, perl's assignment of floating-point values to
double-precision NVs was buggy - hence we also limit this module to
perl-5.30.0 and later.
use warnings; use strict;
use Math::JS;
my $js0 = Math::JS->new(2147483648);
$js0 >>= 1;
print $js0, "\n";
# Outputs -1073741824 (same as JavaScript)
my $js1 = ($js0 + 10000) & 123456789;
print $js1, "\n";
# Outputs 1296 (same as javascript)
Exports no functions by default, and only one function upon request:
$rop = urs($op, $shift);
Emulate JavaScript's '>>>' operator.
An usnsigned 32-bit rightshift of $shift places is performed on the
value held by the Math::JS object $op. $rop is a created Math::JS
object that holds, as its value, the result of that right shift.
Overloading of the '+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '**', '++', '--', '>=',
'<=', '==', '!=', '>', '<', '<=>', '""', '+=', '-=', '*=', '/=', '%=',
'**=', '&', '|', '^', '~', '&=', '|=', '^=' operators is provided.
This warrants some specific documentation because it's not trivial to
get Perl to print out the values in the same form as JavaScript does.
(That's in addition to the fact that perl's print() function likes to
present inaccurate values, whereas JavaScript does not.)
As of Math-JS-0.04, Math-Ryu-0.06 or later will be automatically used by
the overloading of '""' if such a Math::Ryu installation is found.
This should provide good agreement between the outputs of JavaScript
and Math::JS. (Please report any discrepancies encountered.)
Where the formats differ, they should both assign to exactly the same
double-precision value.
If a suitable installation of Math::Ryu is not available then
overloading of '""' uses perl's sprintf() function, which might present
more decimal mantissa digits than JavaScript does - though both forms
should assign to exactly the same double-precision value.
This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Copyright 2024, Sisyphus
Sisyphus <sisyphus at(@) cpan dot (.) org>