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Mojolicious::Plugin::Tables -- Quickstart and grow a Tables-Maintenance application


# in a new Mojolicious app..
$app->plugin( Tables => {connect_info=>['dbi:Pg:dbname="mydatabase"', 'uid', 'pwd']} );
# when ready to grow..
$app->plugin( Tables => {model_class => 'StuffDB'} );


Mojolicious::Plugin::Tables is a Mojolicious plugin which helps you grow a high-featured web app by starting with basic table / relationship maintenance and growing by overriding default behaviours.

By supplying 'connect_info' (DBI-standard connect parameters) you get a presentable database maintenance web app, featuring full server-side support for paged lists of large tables using 'Datatables' (datatables.net), plus ajax handling for browsing 1-many relationships, plus JQueryUI-styled select lists for editing many-to-1 picklists.

By supplying your own Model Class you can override most of the default behaviours and build an enterprise-ready rdbms-based web app.

By supplying your own templates for context-specific calls you can start to give your app a truly specialised look and feel.


This is an early release. Guides and more override-hooks coming Real Soon Now.


Ground Zero Startup

tables dbi-connect-params..

The 'tables' script is supplied with this distribution. Give it standard DBI-compatible parameters on the commandline and it will run a minimal web-server at localhost:3000 to allow maintenance on the named database.

Day One

In your Mojolicious 'startup'..

$self->plugin(Tables => { connect_info => [ connect-param, connect-param, .. ] };

Add this line to a new Mojolicious app then run it using any Mojo-based server (morbo, prefork, hypnotoad..) to achieve exactly the same functionality as the 'tables' script.

Day Two

# templates/:table/{view,edit,dml,page}.html.ep
# e.g.
# templates/artist/view.html.ep
<h1>Artist: <%= $row %></h1>

For any :table in your database, create override-templates as required. e.g. The above code will give a very different look-and-feel when viewing a single Artist, but all other pages are unchanged. For better examples and to see which stash-variables are available, start by copying the distribution templates from ../Plugin/Tables/resources/templates into your own template area.

Infinity and Beyond

$self->plugin(Tables => { model_class => 'MyDB' } );

Prepare your own model_class to override the default database settings which "Tables" has determined from the database. This class (and its per-table descendants) can be within or without your Mojolicious application. model_class implements the specification given in Mojolicious::Plugin::Tables::Model. This lets you start to customise and grow your web app.


$app->plugin(Tables => $conf)

Where the full list of configuration options is:


Provide an alternative 'wrapper' layout; typically the one from your own application. If you prepare one of these you will need to include most of the layout arrangements in the Day-One layout, i.e. the one at resources/templates/layouts/tables.html.ep. The easiest approach is to start by copying the packaged version into your own application and then change its look and feel to suit your requirements.


Unless you supply a true value for this, an automatic redirection will be in place from the root of your app to the '/tables' path. The redirection is there to make day-one functionality easy to find, but once your app grows you will not want this redirection.


See 'Customising Model Class'


See 'Day One'


To experiment with completely different colour themes, choose any standard JQueryUI theme name or "roll" your own as described here http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/. Our default is 'Redmond'.


To generate detailed trace info into the server log, export TABLES_DEBUG=1.


We use dynamically-generated DBIx::Class classes. This technique does not scale well for very large numbers of tables. Previous (private) incarnations of this Framework used specially prepared high-performance versions of Class::DBI::Loader to speed this up. So that speeding-up at start-time is a TODO for this DBIx::Class-based release.


Open-Sourced at Github: https://github.com/frank-carnovale/Mojolicious-Plugin-Tables. Please use the Issues register there.


Copyright (C) 2016, Frank Carnovale <frankc@cpan.org>

This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.


Mojolicious, DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader, Mojolicious::Plugin::Tables::Model