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Net::Blogger::API::Extended - provides helper methods not defined in the Blogger API.


It's very dark in here because this is a black box.


This package is inherited by Net::Blogger::Engine::Base and provides helper methods not defined in the Blogger API.



Abstract method for returning the max post length


Return the unique blogid for $args{'blogname'}.

Valid arguments are

  • blogname => string.

Releases prior to Net::Blogger 0.85 accepted a list of arguments rather than a reference. Version 0.85+ are backwards compatible.

Returns a string. If no blogname is specified, the current blogid for the object is returned.


Delete all the posts on a weblog. Valid arguments are :

  • publish


Releases prior to Net::Blogger 0.85 accepted a list of arguments rather than a reference. Version 0.85+ are backwards compatible.

Returns true or false.


Open a filehandle, and while true, post to Blogger. If the length of the amount read from the file exceeds the per-post limit assigned by the Blogger servers -- currently 65,536 characters -- the contents of the file will be posted in multiple "chunks".

Valid arguments are

  • file

    /path/to/file required

  • postid


  • publish


  • tail


    If true, the method will not attempt to post data whose length exceeds the limit set by the Blogger server in the order that the data is read. Translation : last in becomes last post becomes the first thing you see on your weblog.

If a postid argument is present, the method will call the Blogger API editPost method with postid. Otherwise the method will call the Blogger API newPost method.

Releases prior to Net::Blogger 0.85 accepted a list of arguments rather than a reference. Version 0.85+ are backwards compatible.

Returns true or false, followed by an array of zero, or more, postids.


Like PostFromFile, only this time the file is an outliner document.

This method uses Simon Kittle's Text::Outline::asRenderedHTML method for posting. As of this writing, the Text::Outline package has not been uploaded to the CPAN. See below for a link to the homepage/source.

Valid outline formats are OPML, tabbed text outline, Emacs' outline-mode format, and the GNOME Think format.

Valid arguments are

  • file

    /path/to/file required

  • postid


  • publish


If a postid argument is present, the method will call the Blogger API editPost method with postid. Otherwise the method will call the Blogger API newPost method.

Releases prior to Net::Blogger 0.85 accepted a list of arguments rather than a reference. Version 0.85+ are backwards compatible.

Returns true or false, followed by an array of zero, or more, postids.




$Date: 2005/03/26 19:29:08 $


Aaron Straup Cope





Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Aaron Straup Cope.

This is free software, you may use it and distribute it under the same terms as Perl itself.