Paws::CodeGuruProfiler::ConfigureAgent - Arguments for method ConfigureAgent on Paws::CodeGuruProfiler
This class represents the parameters used for calling the method ConfigureAgent on the Amazon CodeGuru Profiler service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method ConfigureAgent.
You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to ConfigureAgent.
my $codeguru-profiler = Paws->service('CodeGuruProfiler');
my $ConfigureAgentResponse = $codeguru -profiler->ConfigureAgent(
ProfilingGroupName => 'MyProfilingGroupName',
FleetInstanceId => 'MyFleetInstanceId', # OPTIONAL
Metadata => {
'ComputePlatform' => 'MyString'
, # key: values: ComputePlatform, AgentId, AwsRequestId, ExecutionEnvironment, LambdaFunctionArn, LambdaMemoryLimitInMB, LambdaRemainingTimeInMilliseconds, LambdaTimeGapBetweenInvokesInMilliseconds, LambdaPreviousExecutionTimeInMilliseconds
# Results:
my $Configuration = $ConfigureAgentResponse->Configuration;
# Returns a L<Paws::CodeGuruProfiler::ConfigureAgentResponse> object.
Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. For the AWS API documentation, see
FleetInstanceId => Str
A universally unique identifier (UUID) for a profiling instance. For example, if the profiling instance is an Amazon EC2 instance, it is the instance ID. If it is an AWS Fargate container, it is the container's task ID.
Metadata => Paws::CodeGuruProfiler::Metadata
Metadata captured about the compute platform the agent is running on. It includes information about sampling and reporting. The valid fields are:
- The compute platform on which the agent is runningAGENT_ID
- The ID for an agent instance.AWS_REQUEST_ID
- The AWS request ID of a Lambda invocation.EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT
- The execution environment a Lambda function is running on.LAMBDA_FUNCTION_ARN
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that is used to invoke a Lambda function.LAMBDA_MEMORY_LIMIT_IN_MB
- The memory allocated to a Lambda function.LAMBDA_REMAINING_TIME_IN_MILLISECONDS
- The time in milliseconds before execution of a Lambda function times out.LAMBDA_TIME_GAP_BETWEEN_INVOKES_IN_MILLISECONDS
- The time in milliseconds between two invocations of a Lambda function.LAMBDA_PREVIOUS_EXECUTION_TIME_IN_MILLISECONDS
- The time in milliseconds for the previous Lambda invocation.
REQUIRED ProfilingGroupName => Str
The name of the profiling group for which the configured agent is collecting profiling data.
This class forms part of Paws, documenting arguments for method ConfigureAgent in Paws::CodeGuruProfiler
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