Arn => Str
The ARN ( of the component version.
ComponentName => Str
The name of the component.
ComponentVersion => Str
The version of the component.
CreationTimestamp => Str
The time at which the component was created, expressed in ISO 8601 format.
Description => Str
The description of the component version.
Platforms => ArrayRef[Paws::GreengrassV2::ComponentPlatform]
The platforms that the component version supports.
Publisher => Str
The publisher of the component version.
Status => Paws::GreengrassV2::CloudComponentStatus
The status of the component version in AWS IoT Greengrass V2. This status is different from the status of the component on a core device.
Tags => Paws::GreengrassV2::TagMap
A list of key-value pairs that contain metadata for the resource. For more information, see Tag your resources ( in the AWS IoT Greengrass V2 Developer Guide.