Paws::Polly::StartSpeechSynthesisTask - Arguments for method StartSpeechSynthesisTask on Paws::Polly
This class represents the parameters used for calling the method StartSpeechSynthesisTask on the Amazon Polly service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method StartSpeechSynthesisTask.
You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to StartSpeechSynthesisTask.
my $polly = Paws->service('Polly');
my $StartSpeechSynthesisTaskOutput = $polly->StartSpeechSynthesisTask(
OutputFormat => 'json',
OutputS3BucketName => 'MyOutputS3BucketName',
Text => 'MyText',
VoiceId => 'Aditi',
Engine => 'standard', # OPTIONAL
LanguageCode => 'arb', # OPTIONAL
LexiconNames => [ 'MyLexiconName', ... ], # OPTIONAL
OutputS3KeyPrefix => 'MyOutputS3KeyPrefix', # OPTIONAL
SampleRate => 'MySampleRate', # OPTIONAL
SnsTopicArn => 'MySnsTopicArn', # OPTIONAL
SpeechMarkTypes => [
'sentence', ... # values: sentence, ssml, viseme, word
TextType => 'ssml', # OPTIONAL
# Results:
my $SynthesisTask = $StartSpeechSynthesisTaskOutput->SynthesisTask;
# Returns a L<Paws::Polly::StartSpeechSynthesisTaskOutput> object.
Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. For the AWS API documentation, see
Engine => Str
Specifies the engine (standard
or neural
) for Amazon Polly to use when processing input text for speech synthesis. Using a voice that is not supported for the engine selected will result in an error.
Valid values are: "standard"
, "neural"
LanguageCode => Str
Optional language code for the Speech Synthesis request. This is only necessary if using a bilingual voice, such as Aditi, which can be used for either Indian English (en-IN) or Hindi (hi-IN).
If a bilingual voice is used and no language code is specified, Amazon Polly will use the default language of the bilingual voice. The default language for any voice is the one returned by the DescribeVoices ( operation for the LanguageCode
parameter. For example, if no language code is specified, Aditi will use Indian English rather than Hindi.
Valid values are: "arb"
, "cmn-CN"
, "cy-GB"
, "da-DK"
, "de-DE"
, "en-AU"
, "en-GB"
, "en-GB-WLS"
, "en-IN"
, "en-US"
, "es-ES"
, "es-MX"
, "es-US"
, "fr-CA"
, "fr-FR"
, "is-IS"
, "it-IT"
, "ja-JP"
, "hi-IN"
, "ko-KR"
, "nb-NO"
, "nl-NL"
, "pl-PL"
, "pt-BR"
, "pt-PT"
, "ro-RO"
, "ru-RU"
, "sv-SE"
, "tr-TR"
LexiconNames => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]
List of one or more pronunciation lexicon names you want the service to apply during synthesis. Lexicons are applied only if the language of the lexicon is the same as the language of the voice.
REQUIRED OutputFormat => Str
The format in which the returned output will be encoded. For audio stream, this will be mp3, ogg_vorbis, or pcm. For speech marks, this will be json.
Valid values are: "json"
, "mp3"
, "ogg_vorbis"
, "pcm"
REQUIRED OutputS3BucketName => Str
Amazon S3 bucket name to which the output file will be saved.
OutputS3KeyPrefix => Str
The Amazon S3 key prefix for the output speech file.
SampleRate => Str
The audio frequency specified in Hz.
The valid values for mp3 and ogg_vorbis are "8000", "16000", "22050", and "24000". The default value for standard voices is "22050". The default value for neural voices is "24000".
Valid values for pcm are "8000" and "16000" The default value is "16000".
SnsTopicArn => Str
ARN for the SNS topic optionally used for providing status notification for a speech synthesis task.
SpeechMarkTypes => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]
The type of speech marks returned for the input text.
REQUIRED Text => Str
The input text to synthesize. If you specify ssml as the TextType, follow the SSML format for the input text.
TextType => Str
Specifies whether the input text is plain text or SSML. The default value is plain text.
Valid values are: "ssml"
, "text"
REQUIRED VoiceId => Str
Voice ID to use for the synthesis.
Valid values are: "Aditi"
, "Amy"
, "Astrid"
, "Bianca"
, "Brian"
, "Camila"
, "Carla"
, "Carmen"
, "Celine"
, "Chantal"
, "Conchita"
, "Cristiano"
, "Dora"
, "Emma"
, "Enrique"
, "Ewa"
, "Filiz"
, "Gabrielle"
, "Geraint"
, "Giorgio"
, "Gwyneth"
, "Hans"
, "Ines"
, "Ivy"
, "Jacek"
, "Jan"
, "Joanna"
, "Joey"
, "Justin"
, "Karl"
, "Kendra"
, "Kevin"
, "Kimberly"
, "Lea"
, "Liv"
, "Lotte"
, "Lucia"
, "Lupe"
, "Mads"
, "Maja"
, "Marlene"
, "Mathieu"
, "Matthew"
, "Maxim"
, "Mia"
, "Miguel"
, "Mizuki"
, "Naja"
, "Nicole"
, "Olivia"
, "Penelope"
, "Raveena"
, "Ricardo"
, "Ruben"
, "Russell"
, "Salli"
, "Seoyeon"
, "Takumi"
, "Tatyana"
, "Vicki"
, "Vitoria"
, "Zeina"
, "Zhiyu"
This class forms part of Paws, documenting arguments for method StartSpeechSynthesisTask in Paws::Polly
The source code is located here:
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