CompilationJobName => Str
The name of the SageMaker Neo compilation job that is used to locate model artifacts that are being packaged.
CreationTime => Str
The timestamp of when the packaging job was created.
REQUIRED EdgePackagingJobArn => Str
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the edge packaging job.
REQUIRED EdgePackagingJobName => Str
The name of the edge packaging job.
REQUIRED EdgePackagingJobStatus => Str
The current status of the packaging job.
Valid values are: "STARTING"
=head2 EdgePackagingJobStatusMessage => Str
Returns a message describing the job status and error messages.
LastModifiedTime => Str
The timestamp of when the job was last updated.
ModelArtifact => Str
The Amazon Simple Storage (S3) URI where model artifacts ares stored.
ModelName => Str
The name of the model.
ModelSignature => Str
The signature document of files in the model artifact.
ModelVersion => Str
The version of the model.
OutputConfig => Paws::SageMaker::EdgeOutputConfig
The output configuration for the edge packaging job.
PresetDeploymentOutput => Paws::SageMaker::EdgePresetDeploymentOutput
The output of a SageMaker Edge Manager deployable resource.
ResourceKey => Str
The CMK to use when encrypting the EBS volume the job run on.
RoleArn => Str
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role that enables Amazon SageMaker to download and upload the model, and to contact Neo.