Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::SVNLog - Custom feed for SVN Log
- module: CustomFeed::SVNLog
target: scheme://url/to/repository
title: SVN Log of blah blah blah
link: http://url/to/repository/viewer
revision_from: 5
revision_to: 123
reverse: 1
fetch_items: 20
This plugin fetches log from svn repository and creates a custom feed.
- target
Specifies the repository url.
- title
Specifies the feed title you want. If not specified, default is 'SVN Log'.
- link
Specifies the repository viewer url.
- revision_from
Specifies a revision number you wish to start publish from. default is 1.
- revision_to
Specifies a revision number you wish to end publish to. default is 'HEAD'.
- reverse
If set to 1, this option makes feed to reverse order. default is 0.
- fetch_items
Specifies a numeric value of limit to publish. This functions well with reverse, revision_from, and the revision_to option.
Michiya Honda <>