foreach my $r ( @{$self->{'tags_by_depth'}} ) { foreach my Ravenel::Tag $t ( @{$r} ) { $t->{'static_pos'} = $static_pos++; $content .= "\t\t$t->{'expanded'},\n"; } }
if ( $t->{'child_tags'} ) { foreach my Ravenel::Tag $ct ( @{$t->{'child_tags'}} ) { if ( $ct->{'expanded'} and $t->{'depth'} > $ct->{'depth'} ) { $tags_with_expanded_children{$t} = 1; } } } else { $content .= "\t\t\$dynamic_content->[$t->{'static_pos'}] = $t->{'expanded'};\n"; }
print "BEFORE: $t->{'inner_block'}\n";
print "index    = " . index($t->{'inner_block'}, "<r:m:laa") . "\n";
print "eindex   = " . index($t->{'inner_block'}, "/>") . "\n";

my $offset_sp = $ct_start - $t_start - 1;
my $offset_ep = $ct_end - $t_start;

print $t->{'inner_block'} . "\n";
print "offset_sp=$offset_sp, offset_ep=$offset_ep (parent=$t->{'action'}, child=$ct->{'action'})\n";

substr($t->{'inner_block'}, $offset_sp, $offset_ep - $offset_sp, "\$dynamic_content->[$ct->{'static_pos'}]");
print "Inner block after=$t->{'inner_block'}\n";
print "--------------\n\n";

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 499:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

=over without closing =back