TCOD::Color - A representation of a colour
use TCOD;
my $red = TCOD::RED;
my $blue = TCOD::BLUE;
my $green = TCOD::GREEN;
my $new = TCOD::WHITE - ( $red + $blue );
say "It's green!" if $new == $green;
# OUTPUT: It's green!
This represents a TCOD colour.
$color = TCOD::Color->new( $r, $g, $b );
Construct a new TCOD::Color object. Takes the red, green and blue components as positional parameters, as integers between 0 and 255.
$red = $color->r;
The red component of this color, as an integer between 0 and 255.
$green = $color->g;
The green component of this color, as an integer between 0 and 255.
$blue = $color->b;
The blue component of this color, as an integer between 0 and 255.
$new_color = $start_color->lerp( $end_color, $factor );
Return a new color interpolated between a start and end color. The value in $factor
, which must be a number between 0 and 1, determines how close to either endpoint the new color will be: if the factor is 0 it will be equal to the start color, if it's 1 it will be equal to the end color.
$hue = $color->get_hue;
The hue of this color, in degrees between 0 and 360. Note that if the hue is equal to 360 it will be returned as 0.
$color->set_hue( $hue );
Set the hue of this color. Input is a number between 0 and 360. Note that setting the hue of a color to 360 is the same as setting it to 0.
$saturation = $color->get_saturation;
The saturation of this color, as a number between 0 and 1.
$color->set_saturation( $saturation );
Set the saturation of this color. Input is a number between 0 and 1.
$value = $color->get_value;
The value of this color, as a number between 0 and 1.
$color->set_value( $value );
Set the value of this color. Input is a number between 0 and 1.
$color->shift_hue( $shift );
Shifts the hue of this color by the number of degrees provided.
$color->shift_hue( $saturation_factor, $value_factor );
Modifies the saturation and value of this color by multiplying them with the factors provided.
my ( $h, $s, $v ) = $color->get_HSV;
Returns a list with the hue, saturation, and value of this color. The values are the same as those obtained from the individual getters described above.
$color->set_HSV( $h, $s, $v );
Sets the hue, saturation, and value of this color to the values provided. The values should be the same as those used for the setters described above.
$bool = $color->equals( $other );
Returns true if both colours are equivalent.
$new_color = $color->add( $other );
Returns a new color, the result of adding the red, green, and blue components of the second color to the respective ones of the first.
$new_color = $color->subtract( $other );
Returns a new color, the result of subtracting the red, green, and blue components of the second color from the respective ones of the first.
$new_color = $color->multiply( $other );
Returns a new color, the result of multiplying the red, green, and blue components of the second color with the respective ones of the first.
$new_color = $color->multiply_scalar( $value );
Returns a new color, the result of multiplying each of the red, green, and blue components of the first color with the scalar value provided.
@colors = TCOD::Color::gen_map( %map_spec );
Generate a color map according to a spec. The spec should hold a list of pairs, with the first element of each pair being a color in the map, and the second element being the position of that color in the resulting map.
Returns a list of colors generated by interpolating between the positions specified in the spec.
For example, calling this function like
TCOD::BLACK ,=> 0,
TCOD::GREY ,=> 7,
TCOD::WHITE ,=> 9,
would result in the following list of colors being generated:
#000000 # TCOD::BLACK at position 0
#7f7f7f # TCOD::GREY at position 7
#ffffff # TCOD::WHITE at position 9
No effort is made internally to sort the pairs of the spec, so the user should make sure they are in the desired order.
Using a non-zero position in the first pair is acceptable. In this case, the positions before this in the generated list will be undefined.
Some color arithmetic operations are supported using overloaded operators. The following table shows which ones are, and what methods they call:
Operation Method
$color == $color equals
$color + $color add
$color - $color subtract
$color * $color multiply
$color * $scalar multiply_scalar
All of these operations result in the creation of a new color object, leaving the original ones untouched.
Copyright 2021 José Joaquín Atria
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.