Text::TemplateLite - Pure-Perl text templates with bare-bones syntax, compact size, and limitable resource usage
Version 0.01
use Text::TemplateLite;
my $tpl = Text::TemplateLite->new;
$tpl->set('Hello, <<$who>>');
print $tpl->render({ who => 'world' })->result;
# Generates "Hello, world"
my $rdr = $tpl->new_renderer;
print $rdr->render({ who => 'universe' })->result;
# Generates "Hello, universe" with a configurable and
# reusable renderer (see Text::TemplateLite::Renderer)
Text::TemplateLite is intended primarily for "string-sized" templating (e.g. for message localization rather than entire "pages") using compact (terse?) templates with a (relatively) simple syntax.
It is anticipated that templates may (at least sometimes) be entered or managed by users whose skill set does not include "Perl programmer" (perhaps a web site administrator, translator, or non-Perl programmer).
Basic length and execution limits provide a measure of protection against accidental or malicious time- and/or space-based resource attacks. These are managed by the rendering companion class, Text::TemplateLite::Renderer.
By design, only basic functionality is included in this module. Use parts or all of the Text::TemplateLite::Standard function library and/or create your own custom library to extend its capabilities.
A template consists of literal text and template code. Any text between "<<" and ">>" that does not contain "<<" or ">>" is treated as template code. Everything else is literal text.
Template code can contain sequences in any combination of the following:
- Comments
Anything from "/*" to the closest "*/" is ignored and does not count as a step (see "Steps").
- String Literals
To include literal text within code text, surround the text with single quotes (') or double quotes ("). You can "escape" either kind of quote or < or > in either kind of string by preceding it with a backslash (\', \", \<, or \>). Use '<\<' or '>\>' to generate "<<" or ">>" within code text.
No variable substitution is performed within either kind of string literal.
- Numeric Literals
Numeric literals consist of an optional minus sign and one or more digits, optionally followed by a decimal point and additional digits.
- Variable Substitutions
A dollar sign ($) followed by a name consisting of one or more letters, digits, underscores (_), and/or non-initial periods (.) will be replaced by the corresponding value from the variables supplied either at rendering time or set during template execution.
Variables can also store nested templates. Substituting a variable containing a nested template executes the nested template. These templates can be passed parameters using the same syntax as function calls. The parameters will appear in the nested template as template variables "$1", "$2", etc. Parameter "$0" will contain the number of parameters.
Parameters after a non-template variable are ignored, unevaluated.
$foo /* variable or nested template without parameters */ "$foo is " $foo /* only the second $foo is substituted */ $foo('hey', 'there') /* nested template(?) with parameters */
See "TEMPLATE FUNCTIONS" in Text::TemplateLite::Standard for information on creating nested templates.
In future releases, periods in variable names may have structural meaning (e.g. to support lists or maps). Do not write templates that expect "$a" to be unrelated to "$a.b" or "$a.5", for example. For now, however, periods are just part of the name.
- Function And External Template Calls
Any other combination of alpha-numeric characters, or combination of symbols other than parentheses or comma, are treated as the name of a function or external template call. Either may optionally be passed a list of zero or more parameters, surrounded by parentheses and separated by commas.
Parameters to external templates should be provided in "name, value" pairs.
cr nl /* call "cr" and "nl" without parameters */ foo('hey', 'there') /* pass foo two strings (or hey=there) */
See "TEMPLATE FUNCTIONS" in Text::TemplateLite::Standard for some related functions.
Calls to unregistered names will instead call a definition with a zero-length name, if registered, or "undef_call($name, $args, $renderer)" otherwise.
Each element (literal, substitution, call, etc.) evaluated during template execution is counted as a "step". For example:
$=('a', 2) /* 3 steps: $=, 'a', and 2 */
??(=($a, 1), /* +4 steps: ??, =, $a, and 1 */
'$a is 1', /* 1 step not eval'd/counted (= was false) */
=($a, 2), /* +3 steps: =, $a, 2 */
'$a is 2', /* +1 step: '$a is 2' */
'other') /* 1 step not eval'd/counted (not reached) */
/* renders '$a is 2' in 11 steps */
?*(<($a, 4), 'loop' $=('a', +($a, 1)))
/* 1 step: ?*
+3 steps: <, $a, 4 (assuming $a is 2 from above)
+6 steps: 'loop', $=, 'a', +, $a, 1 ($a becomes 3)
+3 steps: <, $a, 4
+6 steps: 'loop', $=, 'a', +, $a, 1 ($a becomes 4)
+3 steps: <, $a, 4 (now false, so loop stops)
renders 'looploop' in 22 steps */
This section describes methods for normal usage.
new( )
This returns a new Text::TemplateLite template engine.
register($name, $definition)
Register a function (coderef definition) or an external template (Text::TemplateLite definition).
$ttl->register('my_function', sub {
my ($name, $args, $renderer) = @_;
"You called function $name." });
my $other_ttl = Text::TemplateLite->new();
$other_ttl->set('You called an external template.');
$ttl->register('external_tpl', $other_ttl);
If you register a definition with a zero-length name, it will be called in place of any call to an undefined function or external template instead of using the default undefined-call handler, "undef_call($name, $args, $renderer)".
Library functions (registered as coderefs) are passed three parameters:
- $name
This is the name of the function as it was invoked from the template.
- $args
This is an arrayref of code sequences for any parameters passed from the template. See "execute_sequence($code, $renderer)" and "execute_each($list, $renderer)".
- $renderer
This is the instance of Text::TemplateLite::Renderer that is managing rendering of the template.
Unregister a function or external template definition.
Set or change the template string (see "Syntax") and return the template object.
new_renderer( )
Returns a new renderer companion object assigned to this template engine. See Text::TemplateLite::Renderer.
Create a new renderer via "new_renderer( )", render the template, and return the renderer (not the result).
This section describes methods generally only used by library function authors.
execute_sequence($code, $renderer)
Execute the code step(s), if any, in the sequence $code using renderer $renderer.
A code sequence looks like:
[ \@step1code, \@step2code, ... ]
This method is useful for "progressive" evaluation of individual parameters to functions. It is also used to execute the code resulting from each section of template code in a template.
Execution may stop or step results may be truncated in response to exceeded execution limits or a stop set in the rendering information.
A sequence consisting of a single function call can return multiple values if execute_sequence is called in array context. Otherwise, the concatenation of step values is returned.
execute_each($list, $renderer)
Execute an arrayref of code sequences and return a corresponding array of results. This is typically used by library functions to "bulk evaluate" their list of call parameters.
$ttl->register('echo', sub {
my ($name, $args, $renderer) = @_;
"$name(" . join(', ', $renderer->execute_each($args))
. ")";
$ttl->set(q{<<echo('hello', 'world')>>});
$ttl->render; # renders "echo(hello, world)"
$ttl->register('uses2', sub {
my ($name, $args, $renderer) = @_;
join('', $renderer->template->execute_each(@{$args}[0, 1]));
$ttl->render; # renders "justthese" using 3 steps (not 5)
execute_step($code, $renderer)
Execute one code step $code with renderer $renderer unless the total_steps limit has been reached, in which case the total_steps limit is marked exceeded.
_execute_step($code, $renderer)
This method does the "heavy lifting" after execute_step checks resource usage.
The step $code can be one of the following:
[ "''" => $literal ]
[ '$' => $var_name ]
[ '()' => $fn_or_tpl [ \@a1codeseq, \@a2codeseq, ... ] ]
A variable substitution is executed as a nested template if it's value looks like this:
[ '<>' => \@code_sequence ]
Execute the main template code with renderer $renderer and return the result.
You shouldn't need to use this method unless you're building or sub-classing a renderer.
execute_template($code, $args, $renderer)
This executes the code from a nested template after saving any previous numeric variables and then setting $0 and parameters $1 through $n.
Any previous numeric variables are restored before returning.
You shouldn't need this method except possibly if you're extending nested template functionality in some way.
undef_call($name, $args, $renderer)
This function is the default undefined-call handler called by the "_execute_step($code, $renderer)" method if no zero-length name is currently registered.
It increments the undef_calls
count in the rendering information and returns no value.
These methods are used for parsing. If you extend these in a sub-class it's likely to get ugly pretty quickly.
Split template code text into tokens and return them as a list.
parse_list(\@tokens, \@stops)
Parse a block of code from the token list up to one of the stop symbols. This might be an entire code segment or parts of a call's parameter list. The code tree is returned.
parse_call($name, $tokens)
Parse a parameter list if one follows in the token stream and return the code tree for a call to the function or template in $name.
Un-escape backslashed characters for string literals.
Brian Katzung, <briank at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-text-templatelite at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Text::TemplateLite
You can also look for information at:
RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)
AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
CPAN Ratings
Search CPAN
Text::TemplateLite::Renderer (the companion class to Text::TemplateLite for rendering management) and Text::TemplateLite::Standard (for standard library functions, with examples)
Mason ("powerful, high-performance templating for web and beyond")
Text::Template (an alternative template system based on embedding Perl code in templates)
Template::ToolKit (an alternative template system [based on "including the kitchen sink"]) for a comparison of template modules
Bricklayer::Templater, dTemplate, HTML::Macro, Mojo::Template, NTS::Template, Parse::Template, Ravenel, Solution, Template::Alloy, Template::Like, Template::Object, Template::Recall, Template::Replace, Template::Sandbox, Template::Tiny, Tenjin, Text::ClearSilver, Text::Clevery, Text::FillIn, Text::Macro, Text::Macros, Text::Merge, Text::MicroMason, Text::Printf, Text::ScriptTemplate, Text::SimpleTemplate, Text::TagTemplate, Text::Templar, Text::Template::Simple Text::Templet, Text::Tmpl, Text::Xslate
... and probably some I missed.
Copyright 2012 Brian Katzung.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.