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XML::SAX::SimpleDispatcher - SAX handler to dispatch subroutines based on XPath like simple path and name of children tags under that node.
use XML::SAX::SimpleDispatcher;
use XML::SAX::ParserFactory;
my $stash;
my $handler = XML::SAX::SimpleDispatcher->new(
process => {
'/Books/Book' => [ sub { push @$stash, $_[0]}, ['Title'] ],
my $parser = XML::SAX::ParserFactory->parser(Handler => $handler);
$parser->parse_string('<Books><Book><Title>Learning Perl</Title></Book></Books>');
## And then, $stash has a list of context inside of 'Title' tag
XML::SAX::SimpleDispatcher dispatches subroutine calls based on a XPath like path. This can be handy tweaking children nodes data while parsing data by SAX parser.
- new
my $handler = XML::SAX::SimpleDispatcher->new( process => { '/MyShelf/Book' => [ sub { push @$stash, $_[0]}, ['Title'] ], '/MyShelf/Movie' => [ sub { push @$stash, $_[0]}, ['Title'] ], } );
Creates a new XML::SAX::SimpleDispatcher instance.
with process option, you can put a hash reference which has several paths as keys and array references of a list of subroutine reference and an array reference.
Well, it might not look simple but you can dispatch *characters* to each subroutine.
Masayoshi Sekimura <sekimura@cpan.org>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.