check_networkspans - Check interfaces to see if we are getting span traffic.


check_networkspans -s <span ports> [-s <span ports>] [-i <ignore IP>] [-a <0/1>] [-S <seconds>] [-p <packets>] [-P <port>] [-A <port>] [--debug]

check_networkspans -h/--help

check_networkspans -v/--version


A nagios style check to see if a the specified spans are seeing traffic or not.


-a <0/1>

If the first IP on each interface, for all interfaces on the machine not just spans, should be ignored.

Default :: 1

-A <port>

Additional ports to look for. Will be appended to -P if used or other wise will be appended to the defaults.

-S <seconds>

Max time the test should run for in seconds.

Default :: 120

-i <ignore IP>

A IPv4 or IPv6 address to ignore.

May be used more than once.

-p <packets>

Number of packets to capture for the test. This is the number of total packets to capture across all interfaces of a span.

Default :: 5000

-P <port>

A port to check for. To specify more than one poart use -P mulitple times.

Default :: 22, 53, 80, 88, 135, 389, 443, 445, 3389, 3306, 5432

-s <span ports>

A comma seperated list of ports to look for traffic on.

May be used more than once.

If one of the items in the list starts with %, that will be used as the name of the span. It will not be used as a interface.

Starting and leading spaces and tabs for each interface is removed.


Enable debugging.


Levels are as below.

- 0 :: OK
- 1 :: WARNING
- 2 :: ALERT
- 3 :: ERROR

If you want to ignore a alert type entirely, set the level to 0.

-n <level>

No packets.

Default :: 2

-N <interface>

A interface to ignore for no packets.

My be specified multiple times for more than one.

Default :: undef

-l <level>

Low packets.

Default :: 1

-L <span>

A span or span name to ignore for low packets.

My be specified multiple times for more than one.

Default :: undef

-d <level>

No streams, meaning no bi directional traffic TCP/UDP between IPs found.

Default :: 2

-D <span>

A span name or span to ignore for no streams.

My be specified multiple times for more than one.

Default :: undef

-m <level>

Missing interface.

Default :: 2

-M <interface>

A interface to ignore for missing interface.

My be specified multiple times for more than one.

Default :: undef

-c <level>

Port check.

Default :: 1

-C <span>

A span or span name to ignore for port checks..

My be specified multiple times for more than one.

Default :: undef