

<b>Please check this <a href="">Knowledge Base article</a> for updates on current issues with GetSearchResultsExpress.</b><br> <br> Retrieves brief details about active items that are listed on eBay Express, eBay catalog products that have been used to pre-fill data in these items, and a histogram that shows the distribution of items and catalog products across Express departments, aisles, and/or product types.<br> <br> This call only returns Express data for the site associated with the site ID that you specify in the request URL (for the SOAP API) or the X-EBAY-API-SITEID header (for the XML API). For example, if you specify site ID 0, then data for Express US is returned. <br> <br> Currently, this call is only supported for site ID 0 (Express US). <br> <br> The Sandbox does not support GetSearchResultsExpress.<br> <br> You can configure the call to retrieve only the item data, only the catalog product data, only the histogram, or any combination of these results. By default, the call returns brief summaries of each.<br> <br> <b>Item Results:</b> For each item returned (if any), the response includes a brief set of details, such as the item price (including shipping). You can retrieve more or fewer details about each item by using the ItemDetails field. To retrieve other details about a given item, use a call like GetSellerList or GetItem.<br> <br> <b>Catalog Product Results:</b> For each eBay catalog product returned (if any), the response includes a brief set of details, such as the minimum and maximum price of listings that have been pre-filled based on that product. You can retrieve more or fewer details about each product by using the ProductDetails field.<br> <br> <b>Histogram Results:</b> Instead of grouping items by category, the Express search engine groups items into <i>domains</i>. A domain is a set of items to which Express can apply a common set of search rules. Express supports three kinds of domains: <i>Product types</i>, <i>aisles</i>, and <i>departments</i>, like a typical department store. (The fact that we call these "domains" is not important to buyers and sellers, but it can be helpful to understand the domain relationships when you are working with the API.)<br> <br> Listings with similar properties are classified into product type domains. For example, "DVDs & Movies" is a product type domain. Think of a product type as a type of good or service that can be purchased and as a leaf domain (which cannot be the parent of other domains).<br> <br> <span class="tablenote"><b>Note:</b> An Express product type is not the same as an eBay catalog product. Some Express product types are associated with eBay catalog products, but other Express product types are not.</span> <br> <br> When multiple product types share a common theme, Express groups them into an aisle or a department. For example, the Men's Jeans product type can be grouped with Men's Pants into a Men's Clothing aisle. When multiple aisles share a common theme, Express groups them into departments. For example, the Men's Clothing aisle can be grouped with a Men's Accessories aisle to form an Apparel & Accessories department. If no groups make sense, a product type can stand alone without being grouped. For example, "DVDs & Movies" would not be grouped with other product types like Men's Jeans, so "DVDs & Movies" has no parent aisle or department. (From a user's perspective, this product type is elevated to look like a department, but in the API it is still classified as a product type.) Similarly, an aisle can stand alone without being grouped with other aisles into a department.<br> <br> See the eBay Web Services guide link below for more information about departments, aisles, and product types. </p> <p> This call returns a histogram that shows the number of items and catalog products that were found in each department, aisle, and/or product type that matches your search criteria.<br> <br> The domain names and groupings are subject to change. They are determined by the Express search engine based on the items that are currently listed on Express as well as historical buyer behavior. This means you need to call GetSearchResultsExpress to determine the current domain names and their hierarchical relationships.<br> <br> <span class="tablenote"><b>Note:</b> A domain is a search notion only. That is, items are not stored in domains on eBay, and domains are not equivalent to eBay categories (although Express may choose to organize and name some domains to match eBay categories).</span> <br> <br> <b>Search Tips:</b></p> <ul> <li>Use either Query, ProductReferenceID, or the ExternalProductID fields to search for specific items and/or products. See the descriptions below for information about using these fields. (Only one of these query formats can be used per request.)</li> <li>Use DepartmentName, AisleName, and/or ProductTypeName to browse or search within a particular domain. You can also specify the value "Express" in DepartmentName to retrieve a complete list of all available department, aisle, and product type names.</li> <li>Use one or more filters like HighestPrice to refine the search.</li> <li>Use sort options like ItemSort to control the order in which the results are returned.</li> <li>Use pagination options like EntriesPerPage to control how many results to return at a time.</li> <li>Use verbose controls like ItemDetails to specify the data to return within each result.</li> </ul> <p>The item results, catalog product results, and histogram results do not provide references to each other. That is, the items don't indicate which domains they were found in, and the histogram doesn't specify which items were counted. However, you can infer these relationships by modifying your search parameters. For example, once you determine which domains match your query, you can call GetSearchResultsExpress again to browse or search each of those domains to find out which items they contain. </p> <p>Please check this <a href="">Knowledge Base article</a> for updates on current issues with GetSearchResultsExpress.</b><br> <br></p>



eBay::API::XML::Call::GetSearchResultsExpress::GetSearchResultsExpressRequestType inherits from the eBay::API::XML::RequestDataType class



Container for affiliate tags. If you use affiliate tags, it is possible to get affiliate commissions based on calls made by your application. (See the <a href="" target="_blank">eBay Partner Network</a> for information about commissions.) Affiliate tags enable the tracking of user activity. You can use child tags of AffiliateTrackingDetails if you want call output to include a string, in ItemArray.Item.ListingDetails.ViewItemURL, that includes affiliate tracking information. For GetSearchResultsExpress, the ViewItemURL field is returned only if you specify AffiliateTrackingDetails in the request.

SeeLink: URL: Title: Affiliate Tracking Concepts

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:AffiliateTrackingDetailsType'


# Returns: 'ns:AffiliateTrackingDetailsType'


An aisle is a grouping of product types that share a common theme. This filter limits the search to the specified Express aisle. If not specified, this filter is ignored by the search engine.<br> <br> See DepartmentName for information about how to retrieve all available department, aisle, and product type names. The valid aisle names are returned in the Histogram.Department.Aisle.DomainDetails.Name fields.<br> <br> At least one of Query, ProductReferenceID, ExternalProductIDValue (and Type), SellerID, DepartmentName, AisleName, or ProductTypeName is required. Optionally, both DepartmentName and AisleName can be specified in the same request. In this case, the search engine treats the combination as a fully qualified aisle name (and it returns an error if the combination is invalid).

MaxLength: 200

RequiredInput: Conditionally
#    Argument: 'xs:string'


# Returns: 'xs:string'


A filter that limits the results by the item condition. If not specified, the default is New. If the item is listed in a category that does not normally require the condition to be specified (like Event Tickets), the item is returned regardless of this condition setting.

Default: New

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:ConditionSelectionCodeType'


# Returns: 'ns:ConditionSelectionCodeType'


A department is a grouping of aisles and/or product types that share a common theme. This filter limits the search to the specified Express department. If not specified, this filter is ignored by the search engine.<br> <br> You can specify the value "Express" (without quotes) as the department name to retrieve all departments on Express. With this use case, the ItemArray and ProductArray nodes aren't returned. The valid department names are returned in the Histogram.Department.DomainDetails.Name fields. When DepartmentName=Express, you can only specify HistogramSort and/or HistogramDetails. Set HistogramDetail to Fine to also retrieve all aisles and product types. Do not specify ItemDetails or ProductDetails at all in the request. (Setting the values to None will return an error). Also do not specify any other query, pagination, price, or sorting fields in the request.<br> <br> The Query, ProductReferenceID, and ExternalProductID query formats are mutually exclusive. That is, they cannot be used together in the same request. At least one of Query, ProductReferenceID, ExternalProductIDValue (and Type), SellerID, DepartmentName, AisleName, or ProductTypeName is required.

MaxLength: 200

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'xs:string'


# Returns: 'xs:string'


The maximum number of entries to return in the ProductArray or ItemArray. That is, if you specify 10, then up to 10 products and up to 10 items are returned in the current call's response.<br> <br> If the number of entries found is less than the value specified in EntriesPerPage, then that number of entries is returned instead. For example, if you specify 10, Express might only return 4 products and 9 items (if no more matches are found). If not specified, the default is 15.

Max: 200 Default: 15 Min: 1

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'xs:int'


# Returns: 'xs:int'


The combination of ExternalProductIDType and ExternalProductIDValue create a query that only retrieves items that were listed with Pre-filled Item Information in categories that support ISBN or UPC codes (such as Books, DVDs and Movies, Music, and Video Games). ExternalProductIDType identifies which type of code you are searching for. If specified, also specify the ISBN or UPC code number in ExternalProductIDValue.<br> <br> The Query, ProductReferenceID, and ExternalProductID query formats are mutually exclusive. That is, they cannot be used together in the same request. At least one of Query, ProductReferenceID, ExternalProductIDValue (and Type), SellerID, DepartmentName, AisleName, or ProductTypeName is required.

RequiredInput: Conditionally
OnlyTheseValues: ISBN, UPC
#    Argument: 'ns:ExternalProductCodeType'


# Returns: 'ns:ExternalProductCodeType'


An ISBN or UPC code (depending on ExternalProductIDType) for the eBay catalog product that you are searching for. Only valid when ExternalProductIDType is specified.

MaxLength: 15

RequiredInput: Conditionally
#    Argument: 'xs:string'


# Returns: 'xs:string'


A filter that limits the results to items with a SellingStatus.CurrentPrice value lower than this value. For example, if you specify 10.01, the results will include items with a CurrentPrice of 10.00 or lower. Use without LowestPrice to specify a maximum price, or use with LowestPrice to define a price range that bounds the results. Must be higher than LowestPrice if both are specified. If not specified, no maximum price filter is applied to the query.<br> <br> You can specify any double value, but in practice the highest price of any item on Express is USD 10000 for Express US and (in the future) EUR 10000 for Express Germany. If you specify a value of 0.0 or lower, this filter is ignored. See "Data Types" in the eBay Web Services Guide for information about specifying double values.<br> <br> Does not control the order in which items are returned. (To sort by highest total price, use ItemSort.)

Max: Default: Min: RequiredInput: Conditionally # Argument: 'ns:AmountType'


# Returns: 'ns:AmountType'


Controls the amount of statistical data to return in the response. If not specified, the default is Coarse.<br> <br> This setting is not a filter that limits the search; it only configures how much detail to retrieve in the resulting histogram. This setting has no effect on the product or item details.

Default: Coarse

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:ExpressDetailLevelCodeType'


# Returns: 'ns:ExpressDetailLevelCodeType'


Specifies the order of the data in the histogram (if any). Controls the way the histogram data is organized in the response (not the details to return). If not specified, the default sort order is ItemCount.<br> <br> This option has no effect on how item or product results are sorted. Histogram, item, and product results are sorted independently.<br> <br> Note: If you want to sort the results by criteria that eBay has not defined, retrieve the desired histogram data and then sort the results locally in your application.

Default: ItemCount

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:ExpressHistogramSortCodeType'


# Returns: 'ns:ExpressHistogramSortCodeType'


Selects the set of fields to retrieve for each item that matches the query. If not specified, the default is Coarse.<br> <br> This setting is not a filter that limits the search; it only configures which fields to retrieve for each item found. This setting has no effect on the histogram or product details.

Default: Coarse

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:ExpressDetailLevelCodeType'


# Returns: 'ns:ExpressDetailLevelCodeType'


Specifies the order in which listings (if any) are returned in the result set. If not specified, the items are sorted by relevance (as determined by eBay). If you choose to sort by total cost, a PostalCode must also be specified (so that eBay can calculate the shipping cost as part of the total cost for each item).<br> <br> Controls the way the data is organized in the response (not the details to return).<br> <br> This option has no effect on how histogram or product results are sorted. Histogram, item, and product results are sorted independently.<br> <br> Note: If you want to sort the results by criteria that eBay has not defined, retrieve all available pages and then sort the results locally in your application.

Default: Relevance

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:ExpressItemSortCodeType'


# Returns: 'ns:ExpressItemSortCodeType'


A filter that limits the results to items with a SellingStatus.CurrentPrice value equal to or higher than this value. For example, if you specify 6.00, the results will include items with a CurrentPrice of 6.00 or higher. If specified, HighestPrice must also be specified; otherwise, the lowest price filter is ignored. Must be lower than HighestPrice. If not specified or if the value is less than 0.0, no minimum price filter is applied to the query.<br> <br> You can specify any double value, but in practice the highest price of any item on Express is USD 10000 for Express US and (in the future) EUR 10000 for Express Germany. See "Data Types" in the eBay Web Services Guide for information about specifying double values .<br> <br> Does not control the order in which items are returned. (To sort by lowest total price, use ItemSort.)

Max: Default: Min: RequiredInput: No # Argument: 'ns:AmountType'


# Returns: 'ns:AmountType'


Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call. If not specified, the default is 1 (the first page).

Max: 90 Default: 1 Min: 1

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'xs:int'


# Returns: 'xs:int'


Postal code of the buyer. For the US site, this is a 5-digit zip code. (Other sites may support longer alphanumeric values in the future.) The postal code enables Express to calculate the item's default shipping cost based on the buyer's postal code, the postal code defined on the item, and the cost of the default shipping service that the seller specified in the listing. The default shipping cost is returned in the Item.ShippingDetails.DefaultShippingCost field. If not specified, items with calculated shipping will return an Item.ShippingDetails.ShippingRateErrorMessage string that indicates that a postal code is needed to calculate shipping.<br> <br> Required if ItemSort is set to LowestTotalCost or HighestTotalCost (because the total cost calculation depends on the shipping cost calculation).<br> <br> This is not a query or filter, so it has no effect on which items or products are returned.

MaxLength: 5

RequiredInput: Conditionally
#    Argument: 'xs:string'


# Returns: 'xs:string'


Selects the set of fields to retrieve for each catalog product that matches the query. If not specified, the default is Coarse.<br> <br> This setting is not a filter that limits the search; it only configures which fields to retrieve for each product found. This setting has no effect on the histogram or item details.

Default: Coarse

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:ExpressDetailLevelCodeType'


# Returns: 'ns:ExpressDetailLevelCodeType'


The global reference ID for an eBay catalog product. eBay catalog products provide stock information that sellers can use to pre-fill Item Specifics and other listing details. Use this query to retrieve basic details about the catalog product (returned in ProductArray) along with items (in ItemArray) that were listed with any version of the product.<br> <br> To determine valid reference IDs, call GetSearchResultsExpress without using this value. The IDs that match the query (if any) are returned in ProductArray.Product.ProductReferenceID fields.<br> <br> <span class="tablenote"><b>Note:</b> This value is not the same as the ProductID used in AddItem and related calls. A ProductID represents a particular version of a catalog product, which is associated with a particular set of Item Specifics and other details. A ProductReferenceID is a more generic or global reference to a catalog product, which is useful for buy-side searching. One ProductReferenceID can be associated with multiple ProductIDs.</span><br> <br> The Query, ProductReferenceID, and ExternalProductID query formats are mutually exclusive. That is, they cannot be used together in the same request. At least one of Query, ProductReferenceID, ExternalProductIDValue (and Type), SellerID, DepartmentName, AisleName, or ProductTypeName is required.<br> <br> As of mid-2008, some sites (such as eBay US, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland) are updating, replacing, deleting, or merging some products (as a result of migrating from one catalog data provider to another). If you specify one of these products, the call may return a warning, or it may return an error if the product has been deleted.

Max: Default: Min: RequiredInput: Conditionally # Argument: 'xs:long'


# Returns: 'xs:long'


Specifies the order in which Express products are returned in a result set. If not specified, the products are sorted by sales rank (bestselling first).<br> <br> This option has no effect on how histogram or item results are sorted. Histogram, item, and product results are sorted independently.<br> <br> Note: If you want to sort the results by criteria that eBay has not defined, retrieve all available pages and then sort the results locally in your application.<br> <br> Controls the way the data is organized in the response (not the details to return).

Default: SalesRank

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:ExpressProductSortCodeType'


# Returns: 'ns:ExpressProductSortCodeType'


A product type is a type of good or service that can be purchased. This filter limits the search to the specified Express product type. If not specified, this filter is ignored by the search engine.<br> <br> <b>Note:</b> Express product types are not eBay catalog products. This field does not support eBay catalog product names or IDs.<br> <br> See DepartmentName for information about how to retrieve all available department, aisle, and product type names. The valid product type names are returned in Histogram.Department.Aisle.ProductType.DomainDetails.Name fields.<br> <br> Optionally, DepartmentName and/or AisleName can be specified in the same request with ProductTypeName. In this case, the search engine treats the combination as a fully qualified product type name (and it returns an error if the combination is invalid).

MaxLength: 200

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'xs:string'


# Returns: 'xs:string'


A free-text query that retrieves items, information about eBay catalog products that were used to list the items, and/or applicable domain details. For a quick, targeted search, use keywords that best fit the item you're looking for. You can also search by brand name or descriptive features. The search engine checks all specified keywords against the item title, description, eBay category, Item Specifics, and/or Pre-filled Item Information. (Express does not necessarily check all Item Specifics defined on the item.) The exact combination of fields that are checked for any given set of keywords varies by a number of factors that are not disclosed in this documentation.<br> <br> Specify at least two characters when you use Query. If you specify multiple words, AND logic is used. The keywords can be specified any order. The words "and" and "or" are treated like any other word. Only use "and", "or", or "the" if you are searching for listings containing these words.<br> <br> You can control AND or OR logic by including certain modifiers. Wildcards (e.g., *) are also supported. Be careful when using spaces before or after modifiers and wildcards (+, -, or *). These are the same modifiers that GetSearchResults supports. See "Searching by Keywords" in the eBay Web Services Guide for a list of valid modifiers and examples. Modifiers do not count in the 2-character minimum. <br> <br> Alternatively, you can specify an item ID to retrieve a specific item's Express search details. To search by ISBN or UPC, use ExternalProductIDType and ExternalProductIDValue instead.<br> <br> The Query, ProductReferenceID, and ExternalProductID query formats are mutually exclusive. That is, they cannot be used together in the same request. At least one of Query, ProductReferenceID, ExternalProductIDValue (and Type), SellerID, DepartmentName, AisleName, or ProductTypeName is required.

MaxLength: 350

RequiredInput: Conditionally
#    Argument: 'xs:string'


# Returns: 'xs:string'


A filter that limits the search to a particular seller's listings that are included on Express. Retrieves all of the seller's eligible items, without consolidating (deduping) similar items into single representative results. If specified, you can only search within one seller's listings per call. (It is not possible to exclude a particular seller's listings from the search.) If not specified, the engine searches across all listings on Express. If the seller has no items listed on Express, no results are returned.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:UserIDType'


# Returns: 'ns:UserIDType'