qmail_deliverable - Check that the recipient address is deliverable


See the description of Qmail::Deliverable.

This qpsmtpd plugin uses the client/server interface and needs a running qmail-deliverabled. If no connection can be made, deliverability is simply assumed.

The modules LWP (libwww-perl) and HTTP::Daemon, available from CPAN, are required for qmail-deliverabled and Qmail::Deliverable::Client.


server host:port

Hostname (or IP address), and port (both!) of the qmail-deliverabled server. If none is specified, the default ( is used.

server smtproutes:host:port

If the specification is prepended by the literal text smtproutes:, then for recipient domains listed in your /var/qmail/control/smtproutes use their respective hosts for the check. For other domains, the given host is used. The port has to be the same across all servers.


qmail_deliverable server smtproutes:

Use "smtproutes:8998" (no second colon) to simply skip the deliverability check for domains not listed in smtproutes.

vpopmail_ext [ 0 | 1 ]

Is vpopmail configured with the qmail-ext feature enabled? If so, this config option must be enabled in order for addresses to work.

Default: 0


Given a null host in smtproutes, the normal MX lookup should be used. This plugin does not do this, because we don't want to harrass arbitrary servers.

Connection failure is *faked* when there is no smtproute.


This software does not come with warranty or guarantee of any kind. Use it at your own risk.

This software may be redistributed under the terms of the GPL, LGPL, modified BSD, or Artistic license, or any of the other OSI approved licenses listed at Distribution is allowed under all of these these licenses, or any smaller subset of multiple or just one of these licenses.

When using a packaged version, please refer to the package metadata to see under which license terms it was distributed. Alternatively, a distributor may choose to replace the LICENSE section of the documentation and/or include a LICENSE file to reflect the license(s) they chose to redistribute under.


Juerd <>


Qmail::Deliverable, qmail-deliverabled, Qmail::Deliverable::Client