AUTHOR: Juan Lorenzo
DATE: June 8 2018
previous versions of the main
Provides in-house macros/superflows
1. Find widget you have selected
if widget_name= frame then we have flow
if widget_name= menubutton we have superflow
2. Set the new program name
3. Make widget states active for:
4. Disable the following widgets:
(sunix) flow_listbox
sunix_listbox -choice of listed sunix modules in a listbox
gui_history records updates to GUI selections
but color_flow_href points to the changed has reference and senses
the change as well.
CHANGES and their DATES refactoring of 2017 version of V 0.0.2 removed unused methods in comments
V 0.0.3 2021 allows for better color listbox control
V 0.0.4 7.10.21 allows control to handle non-numeric
names for input files
sub sunix_select (subroutine is only active in
share the following parameters in same name
memory leak saviors
private anonymous hash to share variable values easily
sub _add2flow
When automatically reading a user-built perl flow and not directed to do so by a user's click of the mouse. As when a file is opened Incorporate new program parameter values and labels into the gui and save the values, labels and checkbuttons setting in the param_flow namespace
foreach my $key (sort keys %$color_flow_href) { print (" color_flow _add2flow,key is $key, value is $color_flow_href->{$key}\n"); }
_flow_select is run from _perl_flow
sub _clear_color_flow
wipe out color-flow list box with programs
wipe out param_widgets_color
wipe out parameters stored for color flow
sub _FileDialog_button
Only cases with MB binding use this private ('_') subroutine e.g., sunix programs displayed in the parameter boxes during flow construction. sub binding is responsible Other cases that select the GUI file buttons directly (user click) use: FileDialog_button instead. Once the file name is selected the parameter value is updated in the GUI
foreach my $key (sort keys %$color_flow) {
print (" color_flowkey is $key, value is $color_flow->{$key}\n");
print ("color_flow,_FileDialog_button(binding), _is_flow_listbox_color_w: $color_flow_href->{_is_flow_listbox_color_w} \n");
sub _clear_items_version_aref
clear items_versions_aref
used when last item is removed from the listbox
sub _clear_stack_versions
clear items_versions_aref
when last flow item is deleted
in the listbox
sub _flow_select_director
Private alias for flow_select both color and button are set as per the flow_select called by an active click from Main, in_L_SU_flow_bindings
sub flow_select2save_most_recent_param_flow
select a program from the flow
when add2flow_button is directly selected by the user
archive the index
and update any changed parameter flows
consider prior flow-color changes
unticked strings from GUI are corrected here
uses _updateNsave_most_recent_param_flow();
sub _flow_select2save_most_recent_param_flow
select a program from the flow
archive the index
and update any changed parameter flows
sub _get_flow_color
get a private hash value
sub _get_flow_listbox_color_w
sub _move_in_stored_flows
move program names,
parameter names, values and checkbutton setttings
--- these are stored separately (via
from GUI widgets (via
The flow-widgets is a single copy of names and values
that constantly changes as the uses interacts with the GUI
The param-flows stores several program (items) and their
names and values
sub _SaveAs_button
topic: only for 'SaveAs' for safety, place set_hash_ref first
CASE #1 considered: Flow_selection is forced during _add2flow
CASE #2 if the previous items have not been directly selected with sub flow_select they will not have been updated since loading into the GUI if user made changes to the paramters but the flow was not selected via flow_select (directly by the user) the flow parameters are not correct
sub _perl_flow_errors Based on _perl_flow Parse (while reading) perl flows
sub _perl_flow Parse (while reading) perl flows
foreach my $key (sort keys %$color_flow_href) {
print (" color_flowkey is $key, value is $color_flow_href->{$key}\n");
my $length = scalar @{$all_values_aref};
print("color_flow,perl_flow, length = $length\n");
for (my $j=0; $j <$length; $j++) {
print("color_flow,perl_flow,name & value:@{$all_names_aref}[$j] = @{$all_values_aref}[$j]\n");
sub _set_flow_color
sub _local_set_flow_listbox_color_w
sub _set_flow_name_color_w
sub _set_flowNsuperflow_name_w
displays superflow name at top of gui
sub _set_user_built_flow_name_w
place and show the user-built flow name
sub _stack_flow
store an initial version of the parameters in a
namespace different to the one belonging to param_widgets
The initial version comes from default parameter files
i.e., the same code as for sunix_select
print("color_flow,_stack_flow, color_flow_href->{_values_aref} =@{$color_flow_href->{_values_aref}} \n");
sub _stack_versions
Collect and store latest program versions from changed list
Will update listbox variables inside
Therefore pop is not needed on the array
Use after data have been stored, deleted, or
suffered an insertion event
update parameter values of the most recently touched program in the flow
"1. START color_flow, _updateNsave_most_recent_param_flow, prior_flow_index=$prior, most_recent=$most_recent\n"
"color_flow, START _updateNsave_most_recent_param_flow, view param flow stored data:\n"
hash remains partially undefined in
The following two values = -1 (default) until a
second program is placed in the flow
Updates the values for parameters stored via param_flow
param-flow takes uses parameters from param_widgets
BUT param_widgets needs to have been updated by _update_most_recent_flow? or
user changes on the screen will not have been updated
Apply every time that a flow item is selected
1. Assume that selection of a flow item implies pre-existing parameter values were changed/added
2. Opening a file dialog assumes parameter values were also changed (Entry widget)
-- this means that a prior program must have been touched and that the color must change
from either neutral to the current color or be overwritten by the same color
Exceptions include the
(1) case when you have just left a flow of a different color
and are returning to previous settings.
(2) case when you are using the first item in a flow for the first time, i.e. it has never been
used before
Find out the previous color, then ... there are
2 possible CASES
The current color is the same as the previously touched color
i.e., if the last color-flow box touched was of the current flow color
i.e., consider situation when we are still using the same colored list box
in which case...
1. Find out which index was touched in "color"-flow box
2. Find out which program was previously touched
3. Assume the touched program had its parameter values modified
4. Update all the previously touched program's values in storage via param_flow
If the current color is different to the previously touched color, then
2. ELIMINATE all the previous changes
Clicking Save will activate _update_prior_param_flow.
Before Save is clicked:
_last_parameter_index_touched_color = 0
_last_flow_index_touched = -1
_last_flow_color = current flow color
print("1. color_flow, _update_prior_param_flow, start\n");
# print("2. color_flow, _update_prior_param_flow, print gui_history.txt\n");
# $gui_history->view();
deprecated 1.23.23
if ( $prior_flow_color eq $neutral
or $prior_flow_color eq $most_recent_flow_color )
"color_flow,_update_prior_param_flow,prior_color_flow = $prior_flow_color\n"
print("2 color_flow, _update_prior_param_flow, start\n");
"3. color_flow,_update_prior_param_flow,names, color_flow: @{$color_flow_href->{_names_aref}}\n"
"3.color_flow,_update_prior_param_flow,values, color_flow: @{$color_flow_href->{_values_aref}}\n"
"3.color_flow,_update_prior_param_flow,n, param_widgets:@{$param_widgets->get_labels_aref()}\n"
"3.color_flow,_update_prior_param_flow,values, param_widgets:@{$param_widgets->get_values_aref()}\n"
print("1. color_flow,_update_prior_param_flow, prior_flow and storage index=$storage_flow_index\n");
print("4.color flow,_update_prior_param_flow \n");
Force to save flow parameters to param_flow
We assume that the program of interest within an active flow stays the same.
Nevertheless that a parameter within a fixed program has changed so that
the stored parameters for that program need to be updated. (TODO??)
That is, param_flow will update the stored parameters for a member of the flow
without having to change the flow item/program with which we interact.
The checkbuttons, values and names of only the present program in use
are stored in param_widgets at any one time
After selecting a data file name, the file name is automatically inserted
into the GUI. Following, we update the data file name into the stored parameters via param_flow
$last_parameter_index_touched_color must =0 or > 0
but does exist and means the parameters are untouched
sub FileDialog_button
Handles Data, SaveAs and (perl) Open (in) or Delete May provide values from the current widget if it is used. Can also be (1) a previous pre-built superflow that is already in the GUI or 2) empty if program is just starting
dialog type (option_sref) can be:
Open (open an exisiting user-built flow, but not a pre-built
superflow), or
Delete ( a file or any type, default $PL_SEISMIC)
my $uBF = $file_dialog->get_hash_ref();
foreach my $key (sort keys %$uBF) {
print (" color_flowkey is $key, value is $uBF->{$key}\n");
sub add2flow_button
When build a first-time perl flow
Incorporate new prorgam parameter values and labels into the gui
and save the values, labels and checkbuttons setting in the param_flow
foreach my $key (sort keys %$color_flow_href) {
print (" color_flow key is $key, value is $color_flow_href->{$key}\n");
$ans= $color_flow_href->{_param_sunix_length};
print("1b. color_flow, add2flow_button, _param_sunix_length= $ans\n");
sub delete_from_flow_button
if flow_select was last clicked then $gui_history has already recorded the chosen flow color
my $flow_color = $gui_history->get_flow_color();
sub delete_whole_flow_button
If flow_select was last clicked then $gui_history has already recorded the chosen flow color
sub flow_item_down_arrow_button
move items down in a flow listbox
sub flow_item_up_arrow_button
move items up in a flow listbox
sub flow_select
Pick a Seismic Unix module from within a (colored) flow listbox
Always takes focus on first entry ; index = 0 If focus is on first entry then also make the $color_flow_href->{_last_parameter_index_touched_color} =0
print(" flow_select, view stored param flow data before update of prior\n"); $param_flow_color_pkg->view_data(); my $ans = @{$color_flow_href->{_values_w_aref}}[0]->get;
print("color_flow,flow_select, print gui_history\n"); $gui_history->view();
print("12color_flow, flow_select, extract saved values\n");
"1 color_flow, flow_select, num_items_in_flow =$num_items_in_flow\n"
"1 color_flow, flow_select, max_index_in_flow =$max_index_in_flow\n"
"1 color_flow, flow_select, most_recent_flow_index =$most_recent_flow_index\n"
"1 color_flow, flow_select, last_flow_color=$last_flow_color\n");
"2 color_flow, flow_select, num_items_in_flow =$num_items_in_flow\n"
"2 color_flow, flow_select, max_index_in_flow =$max_index_in_flow\n"
"2 color_flow, flow_select, most_recent_flow_index =$most_recent_flow_index\n"
sub get_Flow_file_exists
sub get_hash_ref exports private hash 46
sub get_flow_color exports private hash value
sub get_flow_type
exports private hash value
sub get_perl_flow_errors
sub get_prog_name_sref
exports private hash value
sub increase_vigil_on_delete_counter
Helps keep check of whether an item
is deleted from the listbox
during dragging and dropping
sub get_help
Callback sequence following MB3 click
activation of a sunix (Listbox) item
program name is a scalar reference
Let help decide whether it is a superflow
or a user-created flow
Show a window with the perldoc to the user
and length $color_flow_href->{_sunix_prog_group}
sub save_button
topic: only 'Save'
for safety, place set_hash_ref first
run from
Also save new parameter values (redisplay_values)
for changes occurred
immediately before the current saving
param_flow_color memory leak workaround
# print("color_flow, save_button writing gui_history.txt\n");
# $gui_history->view();
# print("3. color_flow, save_button, param_flow view data\n"
# );
# $param_flow_color_pkg->view_data();
"5. color_flow, save_button, memory fix, click count=$click_count\n"
); # =7 < 19 default OK
"5. color_flow, save_button, most_recent_flow_index_touched=$last_flow_index\n"
); #=2 OK
"5. color_flow, save_button, max_saved_widget_index=$max_saved_widget_index\n"
); # =1 TODO
print("5 color_flow,save_last_param_widget_values=@save_last_param_widget_values\n");
# print("5. color_flow, save_button, Can not fix memory leak\n"); # print( print( "5. color_flow, save_button, this_color,last_flow_color are:$this_color,$last_flow_color\n" ); print( "5. color_flow, save_button, most recent flow index touched is $most_recent_flow_index_touched\n" ); print( "5. color_flow, save_button, max index in flow: $max_index_in_flow\n" );
# print( #"5. color_flow, save_button, last flow index: $last_flow_index\n" # ); # print( #"5. color_flow, save_button, max_saved_widget_index was $max_saved_widget_index\n" # ); # print( #"5. color_flow, save_button, click_count:$click_count min_clicks4save_button:$min_clicks4save_button\n" # );
CASE common : When save_button is being used for the first time BUT when no flow has been selected previously (_last_flow_index_touched=-1) In other words: when a flow in the GUI is used for first time but no listboxes have been occupied previously
sub set_hash_ref Import external hash into private settings via gui_history hash
Keys that used simplified names are also kept so later the hash can be returned to a calling module
print("color_flow, END of flow_select: writing gui_history.txt\n"); $gui_history->view();
sub set_occupied_listbox_aref
sub set_vacant_listbox_aref
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 1601:
=pod directives shouldn't be over one line long! Ignoring all 2 lines of content