AUTHOR: Juan Lorenzo (Perl module only)








SEISMIC UNIX NOTES SUMIGGBZOAN - MIGration via Gaussian beams ANisotropic media (P-wave)

 sumiggbzoan <infile >outfile vfile= nt= nx= nz= [optional parameters]	

 Required Parameters:							

 a3333file=		name of file containing a3333(x,z)		

 nx=                    number of inline samples (traces)		

 nz=                    number of depth samples			

 Optional Parameters:							

 dt=tr.dt               time sampling interval				

 dx=tr.d2               inline sampling interval (trace spacing)	

 dz=1.0                 depth sampling interval			

 fmin=0.025/dt          minimum frequency				

 fmax=10*fmin           maximum frequency				

 amin=-amax             minimum emergence angle; must be > -90 degrees	

 amax=60                maximum emergence angle; must be < 90 degrees	

 bwh=0.5*vavg/fmin      beam half-width; vavg denotes average velocity	

 verbose=0		 silent, =1 chatty 				

 Files for general anisotropic parameters confined to a vertical plane:

 a1111file=		name of file containing a1111(x,z)		

 a1133file=          	name of file containing a1133(x,z)		

 a1313file=          	name of file containing a1313(x,z)		

 a1113file=          	name of file containing a1113(x,z)		

 a3313file=          	name of file containing a3313(x,z)		

 For transversely isotropic media Thomsen's parameters could be used:	

 deltafile=		name of file containing delta(x,z)		

 epsilonfile=		name of file containing epsilon(x,z)		

 a1313file=          	name of file containing a1313(x,z)		

 if anisotropy parameters are not given the program considers		", 

 the medium to be isotropic.						


	CWP: Tariq Alkhalifah,  based on MIGGBZO by Dave Hale

      CWP: repackaged as an SU program by John Stockwell, April 2006


   Technical Reference:

      Alkhailfah, T., 1993, Gaussian beam migration for

      anisotropic media: submitted to Geophysics.

	Cerveny, V., 1972, Seismic rays and ray intensities 

	in inhomogeneous anisotropic media: 

	Geophys. J. R. Astr. Soc., 29, 1--13.

	Hale, D., 1992, Migration by the Kirchhoff, 

	slant stack, and Gaussian beam methods:

      CWP,1992 Report 121, Colorado School of Mines.

	Hale, D., 1992, Computational Aspects of Gaussian

      Beam migration:

     	CWP,1992 Report 121, Colorado School of Mines.

User's notes (Juan Lorenzo) untested


Import packages

instantiation of packages

Encapsulated hash of private variables

sub Step

collects switches and assembles bash instructions by adding the program name

sub note

collects switches and assembles bash instructions by adding the program name

sub clear

sub a1111file

sub a1113file

sub a1133file

sub a1313file

sub a3313file

sub a3333file

sub amax

sub amin

sub bwh

sub deltafile

sub dt

sub dx

sub dz

sub epsilonfile

sub fmax

sub fmin

sub nx

sub nz

sub verbose

sub vfile

sub get_max_index

max index = number of input variables -1