PERL PROGRAM NAME: UNIF2 - generate a 2-D UNIFormly sampled velocity profile from a layered
AUTHOR: Juan Lorenzo (Perl module only)
UNIF2 - generate a 2-D UNIFormly sampled velocity profile from a layered
model. In each layer, velocity is a linear function of position.
unif2 < infile > outfile [parameters]
Required parameters:
Optional Parameters:
ninf=5 number of interfaces
nx=100 number of x samples (2nd dimension)
nz=100 number of z samples (1st dimension)
dx=10 x sampling interval
dz=10 z sampling interval
npmax=201 maximum number of points on interfaces
Is relatively independent of nx:
nx =100 and npmax= 10 is OK
fx=0.0 first x sample
fz=0.0 first z sample
x0=0.0,0.0,..., distance x at which v00 is specified
z0=0.0,0.0,..., depth z at which v00 is specified
v00=1500,2000,2500..., velocity at each x0,z0 (m/sec)
dvdx=0.0,0.0,..., derivative of velocity with distance x (dv/dx)
dvdz=0.0,0.0,..., derivative of velocity with depth z (dv/dz)
method=linear for linear interpolation of interface
=mono for monotonic cubic interpolation of interface
=akima for Akima's cubic interpolation of interface
=spline for cubic spline interpolation of interface
tfile= =testfilename if set, a sample input dataset is
output to "testfilename".
The input file is an ASCII file containing x z values representing a
piecewise continuous velocity model with a flat surface on top. The surface
and each successive boundary between media are represented by a list of
selected x z pairs written column form. The first and last x values must
be the same for all boundaries. Use the entry 1.0 -99999 to separate
entries for successive boundaries. No boundary may cross another. Note
that the choice of the method of interpolation may cause boundaries
to cross that do not appear to cross in the input data file.
The number of interfaces is specified by the parameter "ninf". This
number does not include the top surface of the model. The input data
format is the same as a CSHOT model file with all comments removed.
Example using test input file generating feature:
unif2 tfile=testfilename produces a 5 interface demonstration model
unif2 < testfilename | psimage n1=100 n2=100 d1=10 d2=10 | ...
CWP: Zhenyue Liu, 1994
CWP: John Stockwell, 1994, added demonstration model stuff.
sub Step
collects switches and assembles bash instructions by adding the program name
sub note
collects switches and assembles bash instructions by adding the program name
sub clear
sub dvdx
sub dvdz
sub dx
sub dz
sub fx
sub fz
sub method
sub ninf
sub npmax
sub nx
sub nz
sub tfile
sub v00
sub x0
sub z0
sub get_max_index
max index = number of input variables -1