
Application::Pipeline is a module designed to map methods ( referred to in this role as handlers ) to different phases of an application's life cycle. By assigning methods to different phases of this pipeline, the author can concentrate on the logic for each phase and let the framework manage the application flow. Adopting the same idea as CGI::Application, writing an application with Application::Pipeline is a matter of creating a module that is a subclass of Application::Pipeline.

The %plan

To build a pipeline application, it is necessary to register methods to run during each phase. This can be done one at a time, with the addHandler method. But Application::Pipeline also looks in the subclass package for the package variable %plan. This hash's keys are the names of the phases of the pipeline. Each key points to an array reference which is a list of the methods to run for that phase. The methods are either the names of the methods to run, or references to the actual methods.

This is not the be-all end-all definition of the pipeline. It is still possible to use addHandler to modify the pipeline, and as explained later, it is possible to take into account %plans defined in superclasses.

Running an Application::Pipeline Application

Application::Pipeline is an object oriented module, but has no constructor. It is intended to be used as a base class only. The primary responsibility of a constructor under Application::Pipeline is to specify an ordered list of names for the phases of the pipeline. As it would be impractical to come up with one unified set of phases that suited every kind of application that Application::Pipeline could drive, that task, and the constructor along with it, is left to subclasses.

It is expected that there may eventually become a set of first-level subclasses that define common sets of phases for different problem spaces. This way plugins that are suited to those domains may expect to find a predictable set of phases when included. For an initial example of one such subclass, see WWW::Pipeline.



A script calls this method when it is ready to run the application. There are no parameters

Building an Application

Below are functions most useful when actually writing a Application::Pipeline subclassed application.


$self->setPhases( qw( Initialization Main Teardown ) );

This method is typically invoked during a subclass's constructor to tell Application::Pipeline what phases it will be running. If it is not called before the run method is invoked, the application will simply terminate without having done anything.


$self->addHandler( $phase, $handler, $stage )

Registers the given $handler as a method to be run during $phase. The optional $stage parameter specifies where along the phase the method is to be run. Valid Phases are:

Initialization ParseRequest GenerateResponse SendResponse Teardown

Valid stages are:


When no stage is specified, MIDDLE is assumed. $handler may either be the name of a method, or a code reference. Passing a name allows subclasses of the application to override the method, while code references are slightly faster. This is a trick taken directly from the CGI::Application folks.

Note: Use the FIRST and LAST stages sparingly. Note that each time a handler is added to the stage of a phase, it is added to the end of that stage. FIRST and LAST are best used for handlers that are depended on by others, but that do not themselves have dependencies.


$self->setPluginLocations( qw(

It is possible to load plugins from certain predetermined namespaces in such a way that you don't have to specify the fully qualified namespace. After this method is called, any time a plugin is loaded it first will see if that plugin exists by concatenating its name with the namespaces you provided, in the order in which you provided them. Failing that, it will see if the plugin has a fully qualified package name before giving up on loading.


$self->loadPlugin( $package, @arguments )

Takes and tries to load the provided $package. unless the $nonstandard_namespace flag is set it will assume the package needs the 'Application::Pipeline::Services' namespace appended to it. Upon requiring the module it passes \@arguments to the package's load method. For more information refer to the section below on writing plugins.


$self->loadPlugins( 'Foo','Bar',....)

A shortcut method for loading plugins that take no arguments.


$self->unloadPlugins( 'Foo','Bar',...)

While it will likely be rare that an application would want to manually remove a plugin before it is finished running, this method will do just that to the named plugins. It does so by calling the plugin's package's unload() method if one exists, and deleting the plugin from the application's registry.

Writing Plugins

Plugins in their simplest form are packages which have two methods: load() and, optionally, unload(). The former is called when the application calls loadPlugin, and the latter on unloadPlugin()

load receives the plugin's package name, a reference to the application, and whatever arguments may have been sent through loadPlugin.

unload receives the plugin's package name and a reference to the application.


$pipeline->addServices( name => $object, name2 => sub{ },... );

This method is most commonly used within the load method of a plugin. Services are either a subroutine that the application will adopt as one of its own by the name specified, or a data structure (often objects) that the application will make available under the specified name


$pipeline->dropServices( name, name2,... )

Probably a good idea to unregister the services you added as a plugin when your unload() method gets called. Also, rather than forcing the application to manually call your unload method you may choose to register one of your methods as a handler to be run during the Teardown phase of the application, so that you can perform any cleanup you might require.

Building the Pipeline Plan

When the run method gets called, the first thing the method does is build the list of methods to be run. First, it checks for a %plan varaible in the current package.

Any method entry in a phase of the plan with the value of 'SUPER' causes the application to go looking up the inheritence tree for packages (that are themselves descendents of Application::Pipeline) that have a %plan, and substitutes the superclass' plan for that phase in the place of the 'SUPER' placeholder. This allows the designer of the current application to choose where and whether to include the plan of a superclass for a given phase.

The appliation will put all of the plan methods found into the MIDDLE stage of the phase.


I would like to thank the members of the CGI::Application mailing list that have participated in the discussions that resulted in this module, particularly Rob Kinyon, Cees Hek, Mark Stosberg, Michael Peters and David Naughton. And of course to Jesse Erlbaum for introducing me to sane methods of web development with CGI::Application.


Stephen Howard <>


This module may be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.