Setup the HTTP UserAgent object with connection and SSL parameters.
LWP options
- timeout
Timeout for the connection in seconds, default is 10.
- proxy
URL of a proxy to use, must include protocol and port, e.g.
SSL support
This connector supports client authentication using certificates.
- use_net_ssl
Set this to a true value to use Net::SSL as backend library (otherwise IO::Socket::SSL is used). Be aware the Net::SSL does not check the hostname of the server certificate so Man-in-the-Middle-Attacks might be possible. You should use this only with a really good reason or if you need support for PKCS12 containers.
- ssl_ignore_hostname
Do not validate the hostname of the server certificate (only useful with IO::Socket::SSL as Net::SSL does not check the hostname at all).
- certificate_file
Path to a PEM encoded certificate file.
- certificate_key_file
Path to a PEM encoded key file.
- certificate_p12_file
Path to a PKCS12 container file. This is only supported by Net:SSL and can not be used together with certificate_file/certificate_key_file.
- certificate_key_password
The plain password of your encrypted key or PKCS12 container. Note that Net::SSL does not support password protected keys. You need to use a PKCS12 container instead! Leave this empty if your key is not protected by a password.
- ca_certificate_path
Path to a directory with trusted certificates (with openssl hashed names). Also used to validate the server certificate even if no client authentication is used.
- ca_certificate_file
Same as ca_certificate_path pointing to a single file.
- ssl_ignore_mode
Boolean, turn of validation of ssl peer certificate (IO::Socket only).