disassemble [options] [subroutine|package-name ...]
[-]-from <line-number>
[-]-to <line-number>
Disassembles the Perl interpreter OP tree using B::Concise.
Flags -from
and -to
respectively exclude lines less than or greater that the supplied line number. If no -to
value is given and a subroutine or package is not given then the -to
value is taken from the "listsize" value as a count, and the -from
value is the current line.
Use set max list
or show max list
to see or set the number of lines to list.
will turn off syntax highlighting. -highlight=dark
sets for a dark background, light
for a light background and plain
is the same as -no-highlight
Other flags are are the corresponding B::Concise flags and that should be consulted for their meaning.
disassemble # disassemble the curren tline for listsize lines
dissasm # default alias; same as above
disasm -from 15 -to 19 # disassmble lines 15-19
disasm main::fib # disassemble the main::fib() subroutine
disasm # disassemble file
disassm -debug -exec # block style, rather than tree, like B::Debug
See also:
, and deparse
, set highlight
, set max list
, and show max list