Examples covering the Zenoss JSON API


This page serves as collection of some quick examples designed to get one started. I will try to add more occasionally.


Find events and write log messages

This sample is quite arbitrary. It will find all events, that are not in history, that have a severity of ERROR or CRITICAL and a firstTime of -2 days ago.

use Zenoss:
use DateTime;

# Get the date two days ago
my $start_time = sprintf("%s", DateTime->now->subtract(days => 2));

# Create Zenoss API object
my $api = Zenoss->connect(
        username    => 'admin',
        password    => 'zenoss',
        url         => 'http://zenossinstance',
        timeout     => '300',

# Find all events with a severity of ERROR and CRITICAL
# that have a firstTime of -2 days ago
my $result = $api->events_query(
        params      => {
            severity    => [4,5],
            firstTime   => $start_time,

# Add a log message to each event found
if ($result->is_success()) {
    my $decoded_result = $result->decoded();
    foreach my $event (@{$decoded_result->{'events'}}) {
                evid        => $event->{'evid'},
                message     => 'This is a test message!!',
} else {
    # something bad happened, lets print out to see what
    print $result->raw_response();

Add a device

This sample adds a device and prints out the JobID

use Zenoss;

# Create Zenoss API object
my $api = Zenoss->connect(
        username    => 'admin',
        password    => 'zenoss',
        url         => 'http://zenossinstance',
        timeout     => '300',

# Add a device
my $result = $api->device_addDevice(
        deviceName  => 'newdevice',
        deviceClass => '/Server/Linux',
        model       => JSON::true,

# Print the JobID that this device will be processed under
my $result_decoded = $result->decoded();
if ($result->is_success()) {
    printf("Success = %s, JobID = %s", $result_decoded->{'success'}, $result_decoded->{'jobId'});
} else {
    # do something if the http response was bad

This example could be made more advanced to bind templates to a device very easily.

use Zenoss;

# Create Zenoss API object
my $api = Zenoss->connect(
        username    => 'admin',
        password    => 'zenoss',
        url         => 'http://zenossinstance',
        timeout     => '300',

# Find devices in /Server/Linux
my $devices_found = $api->device_getDevices(
        params  => {
            deviceClass => '/Server/Linux',

# Print the names of the devices found then their available templates
foreach my $device (@{$devices_found->{'devices'}}) {
    print "[$device->{'name'}] has the following available templates:\n";
    my $available_tempaltes = $api->device_getTemplates(
            id  => $device->{'uid'},
    # Print the templates
    foreach my $templates (@{$available_tempaltes}) {
        print "\t$templates->{'text'}\n";


Patrick Baker <>


Copyright (C) 2010 by Patrick Baker <>

This module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

You can obtain the Artistic License 2.0 by either viewing the LICENSE file provided with this distribution or by navigating to