OO interface
Create a new Chart
possible parameters are :
an array ref with x,y size of the active graph ( without the reserved border for label )
an hex color for the global background color
a Frame object to surround the active part of the graph
a Grid oject to add to the graph
a Overlay to add on top of the graph ( useful to enhance a period in alarm )
a Layer object
a Border object ( = some extra space to fit aroubd the active graph to allow label.
This increase the actual_size and create the total_size)
a Tag objet ( if missing create a automatically incremented one )
a Glyph object to add on the graph ( like a arrow to point at the end of the current data )
my $graph = Graph::ChartSVG->new( active_size => \@size, bg_color => 'FCF4C6', frame => $f, png_tag => 1 );
a hex color of the frame
thickness of the frame
my $f = Frame->new( color => 'ff0000', thickness => 3 );
space between the active part of the graph and the top of the image
space between the active part of the graph and the bottom of the image
space between the active part of the graph and the left of the image
space between the active part of the graph and the right of the image
my $b = Border->new( top => 200, bottom => 100, left => 80, right => 200 );
method to add or change a border on the graph
create a new set of data
the type of graph used for that data set.
could be :
a normal line
a line with zero starting at the middle of the active graph with increasing value in the top direction
a line with zero starting at the middle of the active graph with increasing value in the bottom direction
a filled graph
a filled graph with zero starting at the middle of the active graph with increasing value in the top direction
a filled graph with zero starting at the middle of the active graph with increasing value in the bottom direction
a set of line stacked under each other
a set of line stacked under each other with zero starting at the middle of the active graph with increasing value in the top direction
a set of line stacked under each otherwith zero starting at the middle of the active graph with increasing value in the bottom direction
a set of filled graph stacked under each other
a set of filled graph stacked under each other with zero starting at the middle of the active graph with increasing value in the top direction
a set of filled graph stacked under each other with zero starting at the middle of the active graph with increasing value in the bottom direction
the hex color of the graph
if Data is stack type, it should be a array ref with all the hex color
the thickness of the line used
in bar the thickness of the border
a label to set to the SVG object
a vertical offset ( where the zero start )
my $l = Data->new( type => 'line', color => 'ff9800A0', thickness => 3, label => 'oblique' , offset => 50 );
$l->data_set( ... )
include a set of data to a Data object
it is an array ref with all data
or an array ref of array ref for the stack type of Graph
$l->data_set( \@data1 );
$graph->add( ... )
add a element in the graph
the element could be:
$graph->add( $l );
method to add an object to a graph
graph->grid( debord => ..., x => Grid_object, y = > Grid_object, )
debord => Border->new( # the debord size of the grid ( = the grid is greater than the active size )
top => 20,
bottom => 10,
left => 10,
right => 10 ),
x => Grid_def->new( # label on the left border of the graph
color => '1292FF',
number => 10,
thickness => 2,
label => Label->new(
font => 'verdana',
color => '0000ff',
size => 15,
text => \@text, # a array ref with all the text to set on the left border of the graph
space => 10, # space between the end of the label and the start of the grid
align => 'right',
rotation => -30,
label2 => Label->new( # label on the right border of the graph
font => 'times',
color => '0000ff',
s ize => 20,
text => \@text2,
space => 10,
# align => 'right',
# rotation => -45,
y => Grid_def->new(
color => '00fff0',
number => $VERT_GRID,
thickness => 1,
label => Label->new( # label on the left bottom of the graph
font => 'verdana',
color => 'ff00ff',
size => 14,
text => \@DATE,
space => 10,
rotation => -30,
align => 'right',
label2 => Label->new( # label on the left top of the graph
font => 'verdana',
font_scaling => 0.558,
color => 'B283FF',
size => 16,
text => \@DATE2,
align => 'right',
space => 0,
rotation => -30,
$graph->label( label_name);
search for the layer with the label = label_name
in array context return ( ref_data, layer_level) in scalar context return ref_data
(ref_data = an array ref with the data set )
my ( $Mal, $Mlan ) = $graph->label( 'src_all' );
$graph->move( from, to );
Move a speciied layer to another level.
the other layer are shifted to allow the insert
3 type of glyph are available:
'line' draw a polyline or polygon 'text' draw a text 'image' include a PNG image Embeded in the SVG
To draw an arrow:
my $g1 = Glyph->new(
x => $graph->border->left ,
y =>$graph->active_size->[1] +$graph->border->bottom ,
type => 'line',
filled => 1, # if 1 = fill the polygon ( be sure to correctly close the path )
color => '0faFff',
data_set => [
data => [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 8, 10 ], [ 0, 10 ], [ 0, 10 + 20 ], [ 0, 10 ], [ -8, 10 ], [ 0, 0 ] ], # the list of point to create the polyline
thickness => 3
To write 2 text label ( in one Glyph )
$g = Glyph->new(
label =>'label_max',
x => 100 ,
y =>200,
type => 'text',
color =>0xff0000,
size => 9, # if the glyph's type is 'text', this is the font size
font => 'Verdana', # the TrueType font to use
data_set => [ # the data set contain an array with all the text to plot followed by the relative position + the optional rotation
text => "hello text 1",
x => 0, # the relative position in x for that specific text
y => 15, # the relative position in yfor that specific text
anchor => 'end', # the text anchor ( could be start, middle or end )
rotation => -45, # a rotation in ° in trigonometric direction ( anti-clock )
style => 'oblique' # could be normal (default) ,| italic = oblique
text =>"Bye text 2",
x => 60, # the relative position in x for that specific text
y => 15, # the relative position in yfor that specific text
anchor => 'end',
# rotation => -45,
style => 'oblique'
To inlude a PNG image ( the image is encoded with MIME::Base64 )
$g = Glyph->new(
label => 'port_label',
x => $graph->active_size->[0] + $graph->border->left + 250,
y => $graph->active_size->[1] + $graph->border->top+$graph->border->bottom -4,
type => 'image',
data_set => [
image => $img_bin,
x => 0,
y => -5,
width => $buf_x, # the width of the image
height => $buf_y, # the height of the image
return the SVG image ( to be writed in a file )
open( my $IMG, '>', $file_svg ) or die $!;
binmode $IMG;
print $IMG $graph>image;
close $IMG;
!!!! This object is only available after the render method !!!!
$graph->reduce( data => \@dot1, start => 50, end => 360, init => 300 );
This method allow to create a set of data directly usable a a data_set. If there are more plotting value in the input data then the size of the graph, use some average to create the plotting dot If there are lower plotting value in the input data then the size of the graph, fill the gap to smooth the graph data = an array ref with the input data start = where the data start in the reduced data ( if missing =0 ) end = where the data end in the reduced data ( f missing = end of the active size graph ) init = a default value to set the element when there is no data to add, like before start or after end ( if missing use undef )
return a array of 2 element
The first one contains an array refwith the reduced set of data The second a hash ref with the statistic info
$VAR1 = { 'perc' => 345, 'last_val' => 359, 'avg' => '400', 'min' => 0, 'last' => 360, 'max' => 800, 'sum' => 320400 };
create the SVG from all the objects
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 1950:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '°'. Assuming UTF-8