KinoSearch::Docs::Cookbook - KinoSearch recipes.
The KinoSearch code base has been assimilated by the Apache Lucy project. The "KinoSearch" namespace has been deprecated, but development continues under our new name at our new home:
The Cookbook provides thematic documentation covering some of KinoSearch's more sophisticated features. For a step-by-step introduction to KinoSearch, see KinoSearch::Docs::Tutorial.
KinoSearch::Docs::Cookbook::FastUpdates - While index updates are fast on average, worst-case update performance may be significantly slower. To make index updates consistently quick, we must manually intervene to control the process of index segment consolidation.
KinoSearch::Docs::Cookbook::CustomQuery - Explore KinoSearch's support for custom query types by creating a "PrefixQuery" class to handle trailing wildcards.
KinoSearch::Docs::Cookbook::CustomQueryParser - Define your own custom search query syntax using KinoSearch::Search::QueryParser and Parse::RecDescent.
Some of the recipes in the Cookbook reference the completed Tutorial application. These materials can be found in the sample
directory at the root of the KinoSearch distribution:
sample/ # indexing app
sample/search.cgi # search app
sample/us_constitution # corpus
Copyright 2005-2011 Marvin Humphrey
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.