
A Moose Role that can be used to build a model layer which keeps business logic separate from your storage layer.


package My::Model::Widget;

    use Moose;
    with 'Model::Envoy' => { storage => {
        'DBIC' => {
            schema => sub {
                my ( $class ) = @_;

    sub dbic { 'My::DB::Result::Widget' }

    has 'id' => (
        is => 'ro',
        isa => 'Num',
        traits => ['Envoy','DBIC'],
        primary_key => 1,


    has 'name' => (
        is => 'rw',
        isa => 'Maybe[Str]',
        traits => ['Envoy','DBIC'],

    has 'no_storage' => (
        is => 'rw',
        isa => 'Maybe[Str]',
        traits => ['Envoy'],

    has 'parts' => (
        is => 'rw',
        isa => 'ArrayRef[My::Model::Part]',
        traits => ['Envoy','DBIC'],
        rel => 'has_many',

    has 'envoy_ignores_me' => (
        is => 'rw',
        isa => 'Str',

package My::Models;

use Moose;
with 'Model::Envoy::Set' => { namespace => 'My::Envoy' };

....then later...

my $widget = My::Models->m('Widget')->build({
    id => 1
    name => 'foo',
    no_storage => 'bar',
    parts => [
            id => 2,
            name => 'baz',
    envoy_ignores_me => 'hi there',


Mixing database logic with business rules is a common hazard when building an application's model layer. Beyond the violation of the ideal separation of concerns, it also ties a developer's hands when needing to transition between different storage mechanisms, or support more than one.

Model::Envoy provides an Moose-based object layer to manage business logic, and a plugin system to add one or more persistence methods under the hood.

Setting up storage

Indicating which storage back ends you are using for your models is done when you include the role. It makes the most sense to do this in a base class which your models can inherit from:

package My::Model;

    use Moose;
    use My::DB;

    my $schema;

    with 'Model::Envoy' => { storage => {
        'DBIC' => {
            schema => sub {
                my ( $class ) = @_;
                $schema ||= My::DB->db_connect(...);
    } };

# then....

package My::Model::Widget;

use Moose;

extends 'My::Model'


Model attributes

Model::Envoy classes use normal Moose attribute declarations. Depending on the storage layer plugin, they may add attribute traits or other methods your models need to implement to indicate how each attribute finds its way into and out of storage. All attributes that you want Model::Envoy to manage do need to have at least this one trait specified:

The 'Envoy' trait

This trait indicates an attribute is part of your model's data, rather than being a secondary or utility attribute (such as a handle to a logging utility). It also provides some automatic coercion for class attributes that represent other Model::Envoy enabled classes (or arrays of them). It will allow you to pass in hashrefs (or arrays of hashrefs) to those attributes and have them automagically elevated into an instance of the intended class.

has 'parts' => (
    is => 'rw',
    isa => 'ArrayRef[My::Model::Part]',
    traits => ['Envoy'],

Adding caching

The role inclusion can also specify a cache plugin. These operate just like storage plugins, but are checked before your storage plugins on fetches, and updated with results from your storage plugins on a cache miss.

with 'Model::Envoy' => {
    storage => {
        'DBIC' => { ... },
    cache => {
        'Memory' => { ... }

Class Methods


build is a more flexible version of new. It can take a standard hashref of properties just as new would, but it can also take classes that are used by your storage layer plugins and, if those plugins support this, convert them into an instance of your model object.


Passes back the storage plugin specified by Plugin being used by the class. Follows the same namespace resolution process as the instance method below.


Passes back the cache plugin specified by Plugin being used by the class. Follows the same namespace resolution process as the get_storage instance method below.

Instance Methods


Save the instance to your persistent storage layer.


Given a supplied hashref of attributes, bulk update the attributes of your instance object.


Remove the instance from your persistent storage layer.


Provide an unblessed copy of the datastructure of your instance object. If any attributes are an instance of a Model::Envoy-using class (or an array of same), they will be recursively dumped. Other blessed objects will return undef unless they have a stringify or to_string method, in which case those will be used to represent the object.


Given the namespace of a storage plugin, return the instance of it that's backing the current object. If the plugin is in the Model::Envoy::Storage:: namespace, it can be abbreviated:

$model->get_storage('DBIC')  # looks for Model::Envoy::Storage::DBIC

otherwise, prefix your plugin name with a + to get something outside of the default namespace:



Works just like get_storage but looks for a cache plugin instead of a storage plugin


Returns true if the storage plugin reports your model is saved in its storage mechanism.


Returns true if the cache plugin reports your model is saved in its storage mechanism.

Aggregate methods

For operations that fetch and search for one or more models, see Model::Envoy::Set.