Parse::Taxonomy::Cookbook - cookbook for Parse-Taxonomy


This file is a cookbook holding usage examples -- recipes -- for various Parse::Taxonomy subclasses.

The documentation herein presumes that you have already studied the documentation in Parse::Taxonomy, Parse::Taxonomy::MaterializedPath, Parse::Taxonomy::AdjacentList, etc.


Validate a taxonomy-by-materialized-path


You have a CSV file which you have been told is a taxonomy-by-materialized-path. You want to confirm its validity.

Let's say the file holds these records:

$> cat ./proposed_taxonomy.csv


Try to create a Parse::Taxonomy::MaterializedPath object using the file interface.

local $@;
eval {
    $self = Parse::Taxonomy::MaterializedPath->new( {
        file => './proposed_taxonomy.csv',
    } );
print STDERR "$@\n";

If $self is created successfully, the taxonomy meets the requirements described in Parse::Taxonomy. This particular file, however, will throw an exception. Examination of the content of $@ will show that two records have the same materialized path, i.e., the same value in the path column.

Validate a taxonomy-by-adjacent-list


You have a CSV file which you have been told is a taxonomy-by-adjacent-list. You want to confirm its validity.

Let's say the file holds these records:

$> cat ./proposed_taxonomy_by_index.csv


Try to create a Parse::Taxonomy::AdjacentList object using the file interface.

local $@;
eval {
    $self = Parse::Taxonomy::AdjacentList->new( {
        file => './proposed_taxonomy_by_index.csv',
    } );
print STDERR "$@\n";

If $self is created successfully, the taxonomy meets the requirements described in Parse::Taxonomy. This particular file, however, will throw an exception. Examination of the content of $@ will show that two records with the same parent_id have the same name.

Apply extra validations to a taxonomy


You have a taxonomy file from which you have successfully created a Parse::Taxonomy::MaterializedPath object. From that you know that it is valid with respect to the requirements for a taxonomy imposed by this library. But you have additional business requirements which a taxonomy must fulfill before you can use the taxonomy in production.

Suppose that you have a taxonomy file with this data:

$> cat local_requirement.csv

Suppose further that you have a business requirement that all nodes which are "pure" leaf nodes -- all nodes which have no children of their own -- have a true value for is_actionable.


Use Parse::Taxonomy:::Path accessor methods to get at the data in the taxonomy and then write your own functions to conduct local validations.

In this case:

$self = Parse::Taxonomy::MaterializedPath->new( {
    file    => 'local_requirement.csv',
} );
$hashified          = $self->hashify();
$descendant_counts  = $self->descendant_counts();

Use hashify() to turn the taxonomy into a hash. Use descendant_counts() to get the number of children each node has. Then iterate over the hash checking whether an element has no children and, if so, whether the node's is_actionable setting is true.

@non_actionable_leaf_nodes = ();
for my $node (keys %{$hashified}) {
    if (
        ($descendant_counts->{$node} == 0) &&
        (! $hashified->{$node}->{is_actionable})
    ) {
        push @non_actionable_leaf_nodes, $node;
warn "leaf node '$_' is non-actionable"
    for @non_actionable_leaf_nodes;

Output will resemble:

leaf node '|Alpha|Zeta|Mu' is non-actionable at ...
leaf node '|Beta|Iota' is non-actionable at ...

You can then decide how to handle this per your business requirements.

Convert a taxonomy-by-materialized-path to a taxonomy-by-adjacent-list


You have a file which holds a validated taxonomy-by-materialized-path and you want to create a file which holds the equivalent taxonomy-by-adjacent-list.

Suppose you have a file with this data:



Use the adjacentify() and write_adjacentified_to_csv() methods.

$adjacentified = $self->adjacentify();
$file_taxonomy_by_index = $self->write_adjacentified_to_csv($adjacentified);

The file whose path is stored in $file_taxonomy_by_index will look like this:


Convert a taxonomy-by-adjacent-list to a taxonomy-by-materialized-path


In a relational database (RDB), you have hierarchical data stored in a flat table by way of id, parent_id and name columns. You need to communicate the current status of that taxonomy to someone who is familiar with CSV-formatted data and who would like to see the structure in that taxonomy expressed in a single column.


First you need to get the data out of the RDB and into a text file. For that you might use a command-line language appropriate for that in RDB. For example, in psql, the command-line language associated with PostgreSQL, you would say:

$> \copy (SELECT id, parent_id, name, is actionable FROM my_table) TO /path/to/taxonomy.csv WITH CSV HEADERS

The CSV file would then contain data like this:


First, create a Parse::Taxonomy::AdjacentList object from this source file, and then apply the pathify() method to it with the as_string option set to a true value.

$source = "/path/to/taxonomy.csv";
$self = Parse::Taxonomy::AdjacentList->new( {
    file    => $source,
} );

$rv = $self->pathify( { as_string => 1 } );

That returns a Perl reference to an array of array references:

  ["path", "is_actionable"],
  ["|Alpha", 0],
  ["|Beta", 0],
  ["|Alpha|Epsilon", 0],
  ["|Alpha|Epsilon|Kappa", 1],
  ["|Alpha|Zeta", 0],
  ["|Alpha|Zeta|Lambda", 1],
  ["|Alpha|Zeta|Mu", 0],
  ["|Beta|Eta", 1],
  ["|Beta|Theta", 1],

This array of arrays can provide values to the fields and data_records arguments in the components interface to a new Parse::Taxonomy::MaterializedPath object, as follows:

$newobj = Parse::Taxonomy::MaterializedPath->new( {
    components => {
        fields          => $rv->[0],
        data_records    => [ @{$rv}[1..$#{$rv}] ],
} );

Confirm that two taxonomies are equivalent


You have received a plain-text file which holds CSV-formatted records which constitute a taxonomy-by-materialized-path. You passed the file off to the staff member with the "Big Data" t-shirt. Big Data got the records inserted into an RDBMS where the materialized path is represented by "pointers" to records higher up in the taxonomy, i.e., by means of a parent_id column. You want to demonstrate that the taxonomic structure present in the incoming file has been correctly represented in the RDBMS.

Let's suppose that the data in the incoming taxonomy file looked like this:

$> cat mu.csv


Let's further suppose that the data was inserted into the greeks table in the taxonomy database:

taxonomy=# SELECT * FROM greeks;
 id | parent_id |  name   | is_actionable
  1 |           | Alpha   | f
  2 |           | Beta    | f
  3 |         1 | Epsilon | f
  4 |         3 | Kappa   | t
  5 |         1 | Zeta    | f
  6 |         5 | Lambda  | t
  7 |         5 | Mu      | f
  8 |         2 | Eta     | t
  9 |         2 | Theta   | t
(9 rows)

How can we demonstrate that the data and the hierarchical structure implicit in the table matches that of the original file?


Copy the database table (or the relevant rows) to a plain-text file in CSV format. In the case of PostgreSQL, that would look like this:

\copy (SELECT * FROM greeks) TO '/path/to/taxonomy/greeks.csv' WITH CSV HEADER



Create a Parse::Taxonomy::AdjacentList object using greeks.csv as the source:

$self = Parse::Taxonomy::AdjacentList->new( {
    file    => '/path/to/taxonomy/greeks.csv',
} );

Call the pathify method on the object.

$pathified = $self->pathify;

If we were to dump $pathified, we would see:


  ["path", "is_actionable"],
  [["", "Alpha"], "f"],
  [["", "Beta"], "f"],
  [["", "Alpha", "Epsilon"], "f"],
  [["", "Alpha", "Epsilon", "Kappa"], "t"],
  [["", "Alpha", "Zeta"], "f"],
  [["", "Alpha", "Zeta", "Lambda"], "t"],
  [["", "Alpha", "Zeta", "Mu"], "f"],
  [["", "Beta", "Eta"], "t"],
  [["", "Beta", "Theta"], "t"],

Now, there's one little tweak needed here. In the original taxonomy file, the is_actionable column held Boolean data which represented TRUE and FALSE by "1" and "0", respectively. When this data was inserted into the database (PostgreSQL, in this case), that Boolean data was stored as t or f, which was also the way it was stored in the CSV file created by copying data from the greeks table. We will need to rewrite the data in the second (is_actionable) column of the elements of $pathified as 1 or 0 to proceed with our test for equivalence.

$fields = $pathified->[0];
@data_records = ();
for $rec (@{$pathified}[1..$#{$pathified}]) {
    $bool = ($rec->[1] eq 't') ? 1 : 0;
    push @data_records, [
        join('|' => @{$rec->[0]}),
        ($rec->[1] eq 't') ? 1 : 0,

We're now in a position to create a new Parse::Taxonomy::MaterializedPath object based on the data extracted from the database via the CSV file. We'll use the components interface to Parse::Taxonomy::MaterializedPath::new() because our taxonomy now lives in the form of Perl data structures suitable for the components interface.

$ptpobj = Parse::Taxonomy::MaterializedPath->new( {
    components  => {
        fields          => $fields,
        data_records    => \@data_records,
} );

We'll now call the fields_and_data_records_path_components() method on the object. This method returns an array of array references in which the first element is an array reference holding the column names and in which, in all subsequent elements, the first element is itself a reference to an array holding the components of the materialized path.

$fdr1 = $ptpobj->fields_and_data_records_path_components;

Which, when dumped, gives:

  ["path", "is_actionable"],
  [["", "Alpha"], 0],
  [["", "Beta"], 0],
  [["", "Alpha", "Epsilon"], 0],
  [["", "Alpha", "Epsilon", "Kappa"], 1],
  [["", "Alpha", "Zeta"], 0],
  [["", "Alpha", "Zeta", "Lambda"], 1],
  [["", "Alpha", "Zeta", "Mu"], 0],
  [["", "Beta", "Eta"], 1],
  [["", "Beta", "Theta"], 1],

We now return to the original incoming taxonomy file, which we use as the source for a second Parse::Taxonomy::MaterializedPath object. Remember that -- was used to separate the parts of the materialized path in that file.

$tax = Parse::Taxonomy::MaterializedPath->new( {
    file => '/path/to/mu.csv,
    path_col_sep => '--',
} );

We now call the fields_and_data_records_path_components() method on this object as well.

$fdr2 = $tax->fields_and_data_records_path_components;

Finally, we feed $fdr1 and $fdr2 to Test::More::is_deeply().

is_deeply($fdr1, $fdr2, "QED");

If this function returns true -- which it does -- then the taxonomy implicit in the greeks table in the database is equivalent to that in the original incoming taxonomy file.

Create taxonomically correct dummy data


You have a database table with views built on top of it. The data in the table is hierarchical in nature and is structured as a taxonomy-by-adjacent-list. You want to explore alternative definitions of the views. While conducting your research, however, you do not want to touch production data. Hence, you want to create a dummy table and load suitable dummy data into it. You know how to load a table from a CSV file and want to correctly populate that CSV file with hierarchical data.


Let's assume that you want to populate the table with three columns of data:

@input_columns = ( qw| path  letter_vendor_id  is_actionable |);

In PostgreSQL, the table might be defined like this:

                      Table "public.letters"
      Column      |         Type          |       Modifiers
 id               | integer               | not null
 parent_id        | integer               |
 name             | character varying(16) | not null
 letter_vendor_id | integer               | not null
 is_actionable    | boolean               | not null default false
    "letters_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
Foreign-key constraints:
        FOREIGN KEY (letter_vendor_id) REFERENCES letter_vendors(id)
        FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES letters(id)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "letters" CONSTRAINT "letters_parent_id_fkey"
        FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES letters(id)

The path column holds a materialized path starting with the name of a root node, proceeding through the names of branch nodes and ending with the name of a leaf node. All the names are concatenated with a delimiter string. Example:

omega - joyride - Africa

From this we infer that there is a root node named omega, a branch node named joyride and a leaf node named Africa.

To make the data somewhat more realistic, we'll say that letter_vendor_id points to the id column of a letter_vendors table.

hierarchy=# SELECT * FROM letter_vendors;
 id |  name  | namespace_code
  1 | Athens | at
  2 | Sparta | sp
  3 | Thebes | th
(3 rows)

As we create nodes, we'll sprinkle various letter_vendor_ids among them.

For another dollop of realism, we'll say that only 3-level nodes -- rows whose path column have 3 elements will be assigned a TRUE value for is_actionable. Nodes with only 1 or 2 elements will have FALSE assigned to is_actionable.

Let's say that there will be 24 top-level nodes: one for each letter in the Classical Greek alphabet.

@toplevels = ( qw|
    alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta
    iota kappa lamda mu nu xi omicron pi
    rho sigma tau upsilon phi chi psi omega
| );

Under each of the top-level nodes will be 10 second-level nodes. To illustrate an unusual but important edge case, we'll name these second-level nodes exactly the same under each of the 24 top-level nodes.

@seconds = ( qw|
    able baker charlie dogtag entry
    fargo golfer hiphop icicle joyride
| );

Under each of the second-level nodes will be 100 third-level nodes. Continuing along the same path as above, we'll named these third-level nodes exactly the same under each of the 240 (24 x 10) second-level nodes.

@thirds = (
    "AOL", "Aachen", "Aaliyah", "Aaron", "Abbas",
    # ...
    "Agatha", "Aggie", "Aglaia", "Agnes", "Agnew",

(A list extracted from /usr/share/dict/words; you can find the complete list in examples/ in this distribution.)

As promised, we'll distribute letter_vendor_ids among the nodes as we create an array of data records with which we'll populate our database table.

my %toplevels_to_lvis = (
    ( map { $_ => 1 } @toplevels[0..7]),
    ( map { $_ => 2 } @toplevels[8..15]),
    ( map { $_ => 3 } @toplevels[16..23]),

my @data_records;
for my $r (@toplevels) {
    push @data_records, [ join('|' => ('', $r)), $toplevels_to_lvis{$r}, 0 ];
    for my $s (@seconds) {
        push @data_records, [ join('|' => ('', $r, $s)), $toplevels_to_lvis{$r}, 0 ];
        for my $t (@thirds) {
            push @data_records, [ join('|' => ('', $r, $s, $t)), $toplevels_to_lvis{$r}, 1 ];

We expect to have 24,264 elements in the list of data records: 24 for top-level nodes, 240 for second-level nodes and 24,000 for third-level nodes.

Between @input_columns and @data_records we have all the data we need to create a Parse::Taxonomy::MaterializedPath using the components interface to that class's constructor.

my $self = Parse::Taxonomy::MaterializedPath->new( {
    components  => {
        fields          => [ @input_columns ],
        data_records    => [ @data_records  ],
    path_col_sep => '|',
} );

If $self is defined, then we have a data structure in memory which is validated as a taxonomy -- in this case, a taxonomy-by-materialized-path. We're now in a position to call the adjacentify() method to transform that taxonomy-by-materialized-path into a taxonomy-by-adjacent-list.

my $adjacentified = $self->adjacentify();

And the next step is to write that data structure out to a new CSV file suitable for loading into the letters table in our database.

my $csv_file = $self->write_adjacentified_to_csv( {
    adjacentified => $adjacentified,
    csvfile => './letters.csv',
} );

Here is a peek at the contents of ./letters.csv:


And finally, here's how we would populate our database table (in PostgreSQL):

\copy letters (id,parent_id,name,letter_vendor_id,is_actionable) FROM './letters.csv' CSV HEADER