
This manpage contains some examples that should help you getting started with the module and solving common problems.


Debugging The Connection

To find out wether the connection actually works, you can try this very simple program:

use RCU;

$rcu = new RCU "RCU:Lirc";

# endless loop
while () {
   my ($key, $repeat) = $rcu->get;
   print "EVENT $key (= $repeat)\n";

If you do not use the lirc interface you would have to specify another one on the call to new, like RCU:Irman for your irman (very nice) or RCU:Irman:/dev/ttyS1 if you know that your irman is connected to /dev/ttyS1.

Here is some example output:

EVENT sony-cd-next (= 0)
EVENT sony-cd-next (= 1)
EVENT sony-cd-next (= 0)
EVENT sony-cd-next (= 1)
EVENT sony-cd-next (= 2)
EVENT sony-cd-fwd (= 0)
EVENT sony-cd-fwd (= 1)
EVENT sony-cd-4 (= 0)
EVENT sony-cd-4 (= 1)

... correspong to two times "sony-cd-next", and one press for "sony-cd-fwd" and "sony-cd-4".

Using Event

If you don't know how the Event module works you should read about that one first and come back.

In general, the Event-API is easy to use. The only (seeming) complication is that you have to think a bit about your setup. The reason you should use this API is that using repeated keypresses has one major drawback: It does not let you know when the user stopped pressing the key (the events just do not occur) and different remotes repeat their pulses with different frequency. The only thing that you should use to measure the duration of a keypress is therefore wallclock time.

This is what the Event-API does: It translates normal key-events into key-down/key-up pairs, on which you can bind any action you want (See RCU::Context). Since keypresses usually do not happen in some informational void but depend on previous keys and e.g. the mode of the application, you have to put all your events into some context (actually, into some RCU::Context-object), like this:

use Event;
use RCU::Event;
use RCU::Context;

# create a new context
$ctx = new RCU::Context;

# and bind some actions to some events
      "sony-cd-stop" => sub { print "T$_[1]: STOP pressed\n" },
      "~sony-cd-1"   => sub { print "T$_[1]: 'one' key released\n" },
      "=.*"          => sub { print "T$_[1]: unknown event '$_[0]'\n" },

# connect to the RCU
$rcu = new RCU::Event "RCU:Irman";

# jump into the main event loop

Here is some sample output:

T965403699.132146: STOP pressed
T965403703.059969: unknown event 'sony-cd-stop:=sony-cd-1'
T965403703.621847: 'one' key released

As you can see, I first pressed the STOP button, followed by a press of the "1" button, for which the default handler was used, since we haven't bound "STOP followed by 1" to any event, followed by the button-release event.


... not written yet ...

A Volume Slider
Digit Input


This document was wirtten by Marc Lehmann <schmorp@schmorp.de>