TidyView::Options - responsible for all the rendering tasks of the options supplied from PerlTidy::Options

TidyView::Options and PerlTidy::Options co-operate closely, but TidyView's main focus is to render options and collect any values a user may place in an options widget. PerlTidy::Options is responsible for knowing what options tidyview knows about. Currently TidyView::Options is responsible for formatting the string that ultimately gets written into a .perltidyrc file - mainly because it holds all the values set by the user.

build($self, %args)

Takes a single argument in the %arg hash - parent, which is the Tk:Frame widget you want the PerlTidy::Options rendered in. From there it asks a series of questions of PerlTidy::View about sections and options in sections, and decides how best to render them. The look and feel of much of the apploaction is controlled from here

asembleOptions(undef, %args) - responsible for formatting the user-selected options into a format usable as a .perltidyrc file. Returns a string suitable for writing to a .perltidyrc file.

Removes any options that have the same value as the perltidy default, to minimise the length of the resulting .perltidyrc file

Takes one argument currently in the %args hash - separator. Used to spearate the options in formatting. Most commonly set to "\n" so that options appear one-per-line - additionally, if it is "\n", then additional comments appear in the resultant string. Should probably be set to a whitespace of sime kind. If not supplied, separator defaults to ' '.

storeUnsupportOptions(undef, %args) - responsible for storing away any optiosn specified that supported by the GUI - these are options that support perltidy itself, or debugging thereof. Because these arent supported in the GUI, they get forgot, as ther are no widgets to hold them. However we still need them when writing the perltidy options back out.

clearUnsupportedOptions(undef) - responsible for clearing away any options that were parsed by perltidy, but for which we dont hold widgets for. Usually this is done just after reading and parsing a new perltidy options file.