Set the default timeout to $timeout.
wait_for_condition($condition, $timeout)
Wait for the given $condition sub to return a true value or $timeout to expire. Returns the return value of $condition or 0 on timeout.
$webkit->wait_for_condition(sub {
}, 10000);
wait_for_element_present($locator, $timeout)
wait_for_element_to_disappear($locator, $timeout)
Waits for all pending requests to finish. This is most useful for AJAX applications, since wait_for_page_to_load does not wait for AJAX requests.
wait_for_alert($text, $timeout)
Wait for an alert with the given text to happen. If $text is undef, it waits for any alert. Since alerts do not get automatically cleared, this has to be done manually before causing the action that is supposed to throw a new alert:
To be used in combination with wait_for_async_page_load. Use case: interaction that causes an ajax request that causes a page reload without any immediately visible changes.
<page interactions>
To be used in combination with prepare_async_page_load.