Microarray::Spot - A Perl module for creating and manipulating microarray spot objects
use Microarray;
my $oArray = microarray->new($barcode,$data_file);
my $oData_File = $oArray->data_file; # the data_file object
my $oSpot = $oData_File->get_spots(123);
my $ch2_signal = $oSpot->channel2_signal;
my $log2_ratio = $oSpot->log2_ratio;
Microarray::Spot is an object-oriented Perl module for creating and manipulating microarray spot objects. Spot data is imported from a Microarray::File::Data object and retrieved by calling any of the methods described below.
- spot_index
As defined in the data file, and/or the order the spot appeared in the data file
- feature_id and synonym_id
Usually the 'Name' and 'ID' fields of the data file, respectively
- channel1_signal and channel2_signal
BlueFuse data file objects set this value to the Spot object. For other formats the Spot object returns the background-subtracted signals (mean signal-median background)
- channel1_snr and channel2_snr
Signal to noise ratio. Can be set by the data file object, otherwise the Spot object returns the median signal/background SD
- channel1_quality and channel2_quality
For the ScanArray format, this is the percentage of pixels with signal more than 2 standard deviations above background
- channel1_sat and channel2_sat
The percentage of pixels with a saturated signal
- spot_diameter
Units are usually in microns
- spot_pixels
The number of pixels depends on the scan resolution. This is usually defined in the data file header information from a scan
- flag_id
If there is a flag associated with the spot, returns that number
- spot_status
Indicates whether the spot was rejected by QC criteria (0=failed, 1=passed)
Microarray, Microarray::Reporter, Microarray::File, Microarray::File::Data
Christopher Jones, Gynaecological Cancer Research Laboratories, Institute for Women's Health, University College London.
Copyright 2008 by Christopher Jones, University College London
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.