db-browser - Browse SQL databases and their tables interactively.


Version 2.424


db-browser -h|--help


db-browser data source, ...

When the db-browser is called with the argument -h|--help, it displays a menu. The menu entry Help shows this documentation - see "OPTIONS".

If db-browser is called without arguments, the user can choose from the databases offered by the database plugin.

If db-browser is called with arguments, those arguments are used as the available data sources.


db-browser -s|--search

Calling db-browser with -s|--search initiates a new search for databases instead of using cached data.


Before using db-browser, ensure you have backed up your databases.

Search and read in SQL databases: one can interactively browse databases and their tables.

App::DBBrowser provides and supports plugins for the DBI drivers DBD::SQLite, DBD::mysql, DBD::MariaDB, DBD::Pg, DBD::Firebird, DBD::DB2, DBD::Informix, DBD::Oracle and DBD::ODBC. Refer to App::DBBrowser::DB for guidance on writing a database plugin.


  • Use the Arrow keys (or h,j,k,l) to move up and down and to move right or left.

  • Press the PageUp key (or Ctrl-P) to go to the previous page and the PageDown key (or Ctrl-N) to go to the next page.

  • Press the Home key (or Ctrl-A) to jump to the beginning of the menu and the End key (or Ctrl-E) to jump to the end of the menu.

When the mouse option is enabled, you can use the left mouse key to navigate through the menus.

To confirm a chosen menu item, use the Return key.

In some submenus, it is possible to select more than one item before pressing Return (e.g., the input filters Choose Rows and Choose Cols); in such submenus, the list of items marked with the SpaceBar is added to the chosen items when Return is pressed. If the mouse mode is enabled, you can use the right mouse key instead of the SpaceBar. Pressing Ctrl-SpaceBar inverts the made choices - for example, to select all but one, select the one with the SpaceBar and then press Ctrl-SpaceBar.


  • Use BackSpace or Strg-H to delete the character behind the cursor and Delete to delete the character at the cursor.

  • Press Strg-U to delete the text backward from the cursor to the beginning of the line and Strg-K to delete the text from the cursor to the end of the line.

  • Use Right-Arrow to move forward a character and Left-Arrow to move back a character.

  • Press Page-Up to move back 10 characters and Page-Down to move forward 10 characters.

  • Use Home or Strg-A to move to the start of the line and End or Strg-E to move to the end of the line.

Some read-lines have predefined values. You can access these values with the Up-Arrow and Down-Arrow keys.

To exit a read-line without returning anything, press Ctrl-X. When the input buffer is empty and Enter is pressed, read-line returns an empty string.


The elements are right-justified if they look like a number; otherwise, they are left-justified.

If the option squash_spaces is enabled, leading and trailing spaces are removed from the elements, and spaces are squashed to a single white space.

Tab characters (\t) are replaced with a space.

Vertical spaces (\v) are squashed to two spaces.

Control characters, code points of the surrogate ranges and non-characters are removed.

See also the option group "Output".

Ctrl-F opens a prompt. A regular expression is expected as input. This enables one to display only rows where at least one column matches the entered pattern. See option "Search".


Plugins Menu

Choosing a plugin leads to the Databases Menu.

(If there is only one plugin, the plugins menu is not shown, but the plugin is chosen automatically.)

Databases Menu

Choosing a database leads to the Schemas Menu.

(If there is only one database, the databases menu is not shown, but the database is chosen automatically.)

Schemas Menu

Choosing a schema leads to the Tables Menu.

(If there is not more than one schema, the schemas menu is not shown, but the schema is chosen automatically.)

Tables Menu

The menu entries of the tables menu:

Prompt Line

Selecting the prompt line (the database name) opens a menu with these entries:

  • Create Table

  • Drop Table

  • Create View

  • Drop View

  • Attach DB

  • Detach DB

  • DB Settings

For Create Table, Drop Table, Create View and Drop View, see "WRITE ACCESS".

These entries are available if enabled in "Extensions".

Attach DB is available for SQLite databases. Attach DB can be used to attach databases to the current database.

For DB Settings, see "DB Settings".

Tables Entries

Choosing one of the tables leads to the SQL Menu.


Subquery is available if enabled in "Extensions".

Enter a subquery and use it as a table.

The query can be created in different ways:

SQL Menu

Build the query with the SQL Menu.

Before returning the subquery, the result of the subquery can be displayed by selecting the prompt line of the menu. This does not work if the subquery is a correlated subquery.


Write the query in the prompt.

Stored Queries

If stored queries are available, it is possible to select one of those queries.

There are three different types of stored queries:

- permanently saved queries

- previously entered queries

- queries printed with Print TABLE

Queries can be saved permanently by selecting the prompt line (Choose:) in the Subquery menu.


Common table expression, available if enabled in "Extensions".


The user is asked for the CTE query and the CTE name.

The syntax of the CTE name is:

[RECURSIVE] cte_name [(col_name [, col_name] ...)]

Subquery above describes how to build/enter the query.

Available CTEs

Select from the built CTEs.


Removes CTEs. In Join and Union: CTEs that are used directly or indirectly are retained when Reset pressed.

Do not use the Reset button if implicit joins (joins without the JOIN key word) have been entered with Readline.


Join tables.

This entry is available if enabled in "Extensions".


Combine the result from multiple SELECT statements with Union, Intersect and Except (Firebird: Union).

This entry is available if enabled in "Extensions".

SQL Menu

SQL statements are created in this menu.

The SQL Menu has the following menu entries:

Prompt Line

Selecting this prompt line (Customize:) opens a menu with these entries:

  • Insert

  • Update

  • Delete

See "WRITE ACCESS". These entries are available if enabled in "Extensions".


If the user has set substatements, selecting BACK will reset all changes made.

If no changes have been made or if the changes have been reset, selecting BACK will exit the SQL menu.

Select Print TABLE to show the result of the formed statement on the screen.

The Sub-Statements Entries

In a SQL submenu (e.g., WHERE), the back arrow resets the subquery step by step. With no items left, the SQL submenu is left when the back arrow is chosen.

To activate the aggregate mode, enter the GROUP BY submenu and press -OK- (with or without selecting GROUP BY columns).

See also "Extensions" and "Operators"


Choose the required columns for the SELECT substatement.

It is possible to add many columns at once by marking them with the SpaceBar key. If columns are marked with the SpaceBar, the highlighted column is not added to the chosen when Return is pressed.

When aggregate mode is active, the user can select from the available aggregate functions AVG, COUNT, COUNT(*), GROUP_CONCAT, MAX, MIN, SUM and the added GROUP BY columns.




Selected GROUP BY columns are added automatically to the selected columns.






Export the result of the chosen SQL statement to a CSV-file. See options "Export Data".


Create/Drop Table/View

Create/Drop Table/View can be accessed by selecting the prompt-line in the "Tables Menu" if the respective option is activated.

Selecting the prompt line of the Create/Drop Table/View submenu allows you to set the parse settings described in "Import Data".

Create Table

If the option Source Type is set to menu, selecting Create Table opens a submenu where you can choose the type of the data source. If Source Type is set to plain or file, the set data source type is automatically used without displaying a menu. For more information, see "Data Input".

You will be prompted:

  • for the table name

  • if the first data row should be used as a header

    Selecting the prompt line of this menu allows you to set the 'create table' options.

  • if an auto increment column should be added (if the option is enabled in "Create-Table")

  • to edit the column names

  • to edit the column data types

  • to confirm the creation of the table

Drop Table

Dropping a table displays the entire table before confirming the deletion.

Create View

Before creating a view, print the required select statement to make it available in the subquery menu.

Drop View

Drop a view. The entire view is shown before the user confirms dropping it.


Insert, Update and Delete can be accessed by selecting the prompt-line in the "SQL Menu" if the respective option is activated.

Delete, Update, or Insert may not be available with Join and Union/Intersect/Except statements.


If the option Source Type is set to menu, selecting Insert opens a submenu where one can choose the type of the data source. If Source Type is set to plain or file, the set data source type is used without showing a menu. For more information, see "Data Input".

If the first column of a table is an auto-increment column, the INSERT INTO statement is built without this first column. This feature is available if supported by the database plugin.


Update records. The affected (and not yet updated) records are shown before the user confirms the update.


Delete records. The affected records are shown before the user confirms the deletion.

Data Input

Data Source


Insert the data cell by cell.


The data is read from a chosen file.

Supported file formats: text files and file formats supported by Spreadsheet::Read. Spreadsheet::Read uses different parser modules for the different file formats - see "DESCRIPTION" in Spreadsheet::Read. The parser modules are not installed automatically. It is up to the user to install the required parser modules.

Selecting file opens the Source directory submenu where one can choose the directory which should be searched for files.

If the "Directory History" is set to 1, the Source directory submenu is skipped and the directory is chosen automatically.

After a directory has been chosen, a submenu is opened where one can choose the source file.

If the previous submenu Source directory is not shown due to the settings described before, it is possible to change the source directory in this submenu by selecting Change dir.

Selecting the prompt line of the Files submenu (Choose a File:) allows one to set the parse settings described in "Import Data".

After the data has been read, the user can apply different input filters (See "Input Filters").

Input Filters

Choose Cols

Use only selected columns of the imported data.

If the data has empty columns (--), the non-empty columns are preselected. Columns are regarded as empty if the values of all fields in the column - including the column header - have no length.

Columns added with the filter Append Col are empty and therefore not preselected.

If a column is not empty but has no header name, the header is named temporarily tmp.

Choose Rows

Use only selected rows of the imported data.

Range Rows

Use only ranges of rows.

Row Groups

If the input has rows with different numbers of columns, Row Groups sorts rows with the same number of columns into a group. The user can then choose one or more groups of rows. There is only one group if all rows have the same column count.

Empty Rows

Remove empty rows or remove rows where all fields are empty or undefined (includes empty rows).

Remove Cell

Remove a cell from a chosen row.

Insert Cell

Insert a cell in a chosen row. The new cell is inserted in front of a chosen cell.

Append Col

Append an empty column. Appends a header element to the header row and adjusts the remaining rows to the length of the header row. If the input has rows with different numbers of cells, use the Row Group filter first to select the right row-group.

Split Column
 Item | length/width/height             Item | length | width | height
------|---------------------            -----|--------|-------|------
  423 |            40/30/25              423 |     40 |    30 |    25
------|---------------------            -----|--------|-------|------
   64 |            80/60/30               64 |     80 |    60 |    30
------|---------------------            -----|--------|-------|------
  705 |            50/50/40              705 |     50 |    50 |    40
Search & Replace


Remove all commas: s/,//g

id | num                       id | num
---|-------------              ---|-----------
 1 |    78,975.17               1 |   78975.17
---|-------------              ---|-----------
 2 | 1,040,745.87               2 | 1040745.87
---|-------------              ---|-----------
 3 | 3,129,818.21               3 | 3129818.21

Supported modifiers: imnsxage.

In the replacement, the variable $c can be used as a counter. $c is set to 0 before each s///.

By selecting the prompt line (Your choice:), one can save search & replace instructions for later use.

If a search & replace has altered the first row of the input data, a menu entry named RESTORE header row is offered.

Convert DateTime

Convert a DateTime to another format or to seconds since the Unix epoch.

id | date_time                            id | date_time
---|----------------------------          ---|--------------------
 1 | Sat 13 Aug 2022 07:38:49 PM           1 | 2022-08-13 19:38:49
---|----------------------------          ---|--------------------
 2 | Mon 15 Aug 2022 12:08:54 PM           2 | 2022-08-15 12:08:54
---|----------------------------          ---|--------------------
 3 | Tue 16 Aug 2022 09:56:13 AM           3 | 2022-08-16 09:56:13
Split Table
 y  | factor | y  | factor              y  | factor
----|--------|----|--------             ---|-------
 62 | 8975.1 | 64 | 9986.5              62 | 8975.1
----|--------|----|--------             ---|-------
 63 | 9745.8 | 65 | 9782.7              63 | 9745.8
                                        y  | factor
                                        64 | 9818.2
                                        65 | 9986.5
Merge Rows
 Month | Average | Average              Month | Average MinTemp | Average MaxTemp
-------|---------|---------             ------|-----------------|----------------
       | MinTemp | MaxTemp              Jan   |               9 |              22
-------|---------|---------             ------|-----------------|----------------
 Jan   |       9 |      22              Feb   |              10 |              23
 Feb   |      10 |      23

Merge Rows can be used to edit a row by selecting only one row.

Join Columns
 Item | length | width | height          Item | length/width/height
------|--------|-------|--------         -----|-------------------
  423 |     40 |    30 |     25           423 | 40/30/25
------|--------|-------|--------         -----|-------------------
   64 |     80 |    60 |     30            64 | 80/60/30
------|--------|-------|--------         -----|-------------------
  705 |     50 |    50 |     40           705 | 50/50/40

Join Columns can be used to edit a column by selecting only one column.

Fill up Rows

If the input table rows have different numbers of cells, this filter appends empty cells to the rows until the cell count of each row is equal to the cell count of the row with the highest cell count.

You can enter the Row Group filter to check if the table has rows with different lengths. If Row Group shows only one group, all rows have the same length.

Cols to Rows

Transpose columns to rows.

 Year | 2000 | 2001 | 2002              Year | Max | Min
------|------|------|------             -----|-----|----
 Max  |   14 |   22 |   17              2000 |  14 |  11
------|------|------|------             -----|-----|----
 Min  |   11 |   10 |    9              2001 |  22 |  10
                                        2002 |  17 |   9
Empty to NULL

Convert fields containing an empty string to NULL (undefined).

The default values for this filter can be set using the option "Empty to Null".


Reset the filters.


Change the parse settings and reparse the data with the new settings.


The options menu is accessed with db-browser -h.


Choose the required database plugins.

DB Settings

These driver-specific DB Settings are used as the default database settings.

In the prompt line menu of the "Tables Menu", the entry DB Settings (if enabled in "Extensions") allows users to make database-specific settings. If no database-specific settings are set, these global settings (for the database plugin) DB Settings are used.

User-defined database plugins: The options offered to be set in each option and whether the user's selections are considered depend on the plugin.


Set which fields are required to connect to a database.

Login Data

The entered login data is saved in a configuration file and used to connect to the database (the password cannot be saved).

ENV Variables

The user can choose environment variables from a list of environment variables that should be used - if set - to connect to the database.


For the meaning of these driver-specific attributes, refer to the appropriate driver documentation.

Reset DB

Reset database-specific parameters to the global DB Settings.


Add menu entries to menus:

Tables Menu

DB settings

Join Menu


Union Menu


Note: Parentheses are not available in SQLite and Firebird.

These settings are also valid when Intersect or Except is used.

Columns and Values

  • Extended Columns

    If enabled, %% is shown as an additional menu entry in the column menus. Selecting %% lets one choose between the available extensions.

  • Extended Values

    If enabled, then - in addition to constants - subqueries, functions and more (see the following list) are available for the right side of operators. Places where extended values are available: WHERE, HAVING, SET in update, and WHEN, THEN and ELSE in case expressions.

  • Extended Arguments

    If enabled, subqueries, functions and more (see the following list) are available for entering arguments in addition to constants in the scalar and window functions.

    This option can also be enabled later in the functions menu by selecting the prompt line.

Column/Value/Argument Extensions

Not all of these extensions are available everywhere.


Enter a constant value.

If the data type is numeric or unknown and the literal looks like a number, the literal is not enclosed in quotation marks. In all other cases, the entered literal is enclosed in quotation marks.


Selecting SQL opens the subqueries menu.

See Subquery for the different possibilities to enter a subquery or any other SQL text.

Entries beginning with SELECT or WITH followed by a space are automatically enclosed in parentheses.

Scalar Functions

Selecting scalar() opens the menu, where the user can choose from a list of scalar functions.

Extended arguments for scalar functions can be temporarily enabled by selecting the prompt line (Scalar functions:) of the scalar function menu.

DATEADD, EXTRACT and some other functions: use the keys Up-Arrow and Down-Arrow to choose one of the predefined fields (in Value if the extended arguments are enabled).

TO_EPOCH and Oracle: the argument Column type can be any of the following: DATE, TIMESTAMP or TIMESTAMP_TZ. If the column type is DATE or TIMESTAMP the session timezone is used as timezone.

Scalar functions may not work with the ODBC plugin.

Window Functions

Selecting win() opens the menu, where the user can choose from a list of window functions.

Case Expression

Selecting case opens the menu, where the user can build a CASE expression.


Selecting math() opens the menu, where the user can combine expressions with arithmetic operators.


Selecting Column opens the menu, where the user can choose a column.

By selecting %% one can choose a column from a different table.

Set to NULL

Available after the SET in an UPDATE statement.


Close the IN operator parentheses.


WHERE: Use more than one column on the left-hand side of the operator.


WHERE: Skip the column and use the EXISTS or the NOT EXISTS operator.


WHERE, WHEN and HAVING: in the %% menu are also available parentheses.

Column Aliases

Selecting alias allows the user to add, change or remove aliases for the selected columns and the current table.

Write Access

Enable write access - use with care.

  • Insert Records

  • Update Records

  • Delete Records

  • Create Table

  • Drop Table

  • Create View

  • Drop View

SQL Settings

System Data

If System data is enabled, system tables/schemas/databases are appended to their respective lists.


Choose the required operators.

There are two regexp entries: REGEXP matches case-sensitive, while REGEXP_i matches case-insensitive.

With MySQL, the sensitive match is achieved by enabling the BINARY operator.

With Firebird, SIMILAR TO is used instead of REGEXP.

With Informix, MATCHES is used instead of REGEXP.

Add Aliases

Alias settings for:

  • Functions/Subqueries in SELECT

  • Tables in JOIN

  • Non-unique columns in JOIN

  • Derived table

    PostgreSQL, MySQL and MariaDB: ensure that aliases for derived tables are enabled.

  • Ordinary table

Possible settings:

  • NO

    no alias

  • AUTO

    a default alias is used

  • ASK

    the user is asked for the alias; if nothing is entered, no alias is added


    the user is asked for the alias; if nothing is entered, a default alias is added

Not all of these settings are available for any alias type.

Aliases in Clauses

Use aliases in




Not all RDBMSs support aliases in GROUP BY and HAVING.


  • Qualified Table Names

  • Quote Table Names

  • Quote Column Names

  • Quote Aliases

SQLite: if the current database has attached databases, the use of qualified table names is enabled automatically.

SQLite: database names in SQL statements (ATTACH DATABASE) are always quoted.

Informix: set the DELIMIDENT environment variable to allow quoted identifiers.

View Prefix

Enter a string that should be automatically placed in front of all view names.


  • Subqueries created with the 'SQL Menu': Allow editing.

    When enabled, subqueries created using the 'SQL Menu' can be edited before they are used.

  • Pg: Convert to text automatically when required.

    If the driver is Pg: Convert columns in string functions automatically to text if the datatype of the column is not a char like datatype. If the datatype is unknown and the value looks like a number, it is also converted to text.


Enable Options

  • Auto Increment

    Enabling Auto Increment makes the 'auto-increment primary key' option available when creating a table.

  • Data Type Guessing

    When this option is enabled and a table is created, SQL::Type::Guess is used to guess the data types. These data types are then used as defaults when the user is prompted for data types.

Add Form Fields

  • Table Constraint Fields

    Specify the number of fields available for entering table constraints (0-9).

  • Table Option Fields

    Specify the number of fields available for entering table options (0-9).

Auto Increment Column Name

Set the default value for the auto-increment primary key column name.


Binary Filter

Set Binary filter to NO, BNRY, or Hexadecimal.

NO - print the binary data as it is

BNRY - "BNRY" is printed instead of the binary data

Hexadecimal - the binary data is printed in hexadecimal format

If the first 100 characters of the data match the regexp /[\x00-\x08\x0B-\x0C\x0E-\x1F]/, the data is considered arbitrary binary data.

Printing unfiltered arbitrary binary data could break the output.

Squash Spaces

If squash_spaces is enabled, consecutive spaces are squashed to one space, and leading and trailing spaces are removed.


Set the indentation width for the SQL substatements.

Undef String

Set the string that will be shown on the screen instead of an undefined field.

On MSWin32, only single-byte character sets are supported when entering the setting Undef string, user, host, or port with the db-browser's readline. However, it is possible to edit the entry in configuration files directly after the entry was created with this options menu.



  • File::Find warnings when searching for SQLite databases.

  • Warnings (e.g., UTF-8 warnings) when printing a table.

Progress Bar

Set the progress bar threshold. If the number of fields (rows x columns) exceeds the threshold, a progress bar is shown while preparing the data for output.

Tab Width

Set the number of spaces between columns.


Enable support for color and text formatting escape sequences (SGR) by setting it to Enable. Before the output, a reset (\e[0m) is added at the end of each row.

Truncate Fractions First

If the terminal width is insufficient and Trunc fract first is enabled, the first step to reduce the column width is to truncate the fraction part of numbers to 2 decimal places.

Truncate Column Threshold

Columns with a width below or equal to Trunc col threshold are only trimmed if it is still necessary to reduce the row width, even after all columns wider than Trunc col threshold have been trimmed to Trunc col threshold.

Import Data

Parse Tool

Set how to parse text files. Files for which -T $filename returns true are considered text files. If a file isn't a text file, Spreadsheet::Read is always used to parse it, regardless of this setting.

  • Text::CSV


    • Allows different CSV-related options.

    • Speed

  • split

    Reads the entire input at once and splits it using the input record separator (IRS) to obtain the records (rows). It then splits the records using the input field separator (IFS) to acquire the fields (columns) of each record.

    To decode the files, the "File Encoding" is used.


    • The values assigned to the input record separator (IRS) and the input field separator (IFS) are treated as regex patterns.

  • Template

    Uses unpack with the A character to break up input lines.

    • If the row length exceeds the screen width, take note of the number of columns and the length of each column before using Template.

    • Choose the input record separator.

    • Set the number of columns (Col count) and the width of the column separator (Sep width). Col count expects an integer of 1 or greater; Sep width expects an integer of 0 or greater.

    • Set the widths of the columns (1 or greater). For the last column, one can also enter an asterisk (*). An asterisk in the last column means: Use the remaining part of the row for the last column.

    • Decide whether leading spaces should be removed. Trailing whitespaces are removed automatically.


    • Ideal for fixed-length inputs containing only single-width characters.

  • Spreadsheet::Read

    If Spreadsheet::Read is chosen, the default settings from Spreadsheet::Read are utilized.

    Spreadsheet::Read will use the first line of the file to auto-detect the separation character if the file is a CSV file.

    Spreadsheet::Read::rows automatically fills up uneven rows, so the filters "Fill up Rows" and "Row Groups" have no significance when Spreadsheet::Read is used.


    • Automatically detects the separation character for CSV files.

CSV Options In a

Set sep_char, quote_char, escape_char, eol and comment_str. If left empty, default values are used. For details on these options, refer to Text::CSV_XS.

CSV Options In b

Set allow_loose_escapes, allow_loose_quotes, allow_whitespace, blank_is_undef, binary, decode_utf8, empty_is_undef and skip_empty_rows. For meanings of these options, refer to Text::CSV_XS.

Settings 'split'

  • Record Separator

    Set the input record separator (regexp).

  • Trim Record Left

    Expects a regex pattern. If set, removes leading characters matching the regexp from each record.

  • Trim Record Right

    Expects a regex pattern. If set, removes trailing characters matching the regexp from each record.

  • Field Separator

    Set the input field separator (regexp).

  • Trim Field Left

    Expects a regex pattern. If set, removes leading characters matching the regexp from each field.

  • Trim Field Right

    Expects a regex pattern. If set, removes trailing characters matching the regexp from each field.

Input Filter

Enable the input filter menu.

Enabling input filter will cause a second copy of the data to be kept in memory.

Empty to Null

Set the empty_to_null defaults for the different data source types.

File Encoding In

How to decode text files.

Directory History

Set how many searched directories should be saved in the directory history.

A value of 0 disables the history.

If Directory History is set to 1 and a directory has been saved, the directory is chosen automatically without showing the history menu.

File Filter

This option expects a string as its value, used as a glob pattern.

If file is selected as the data source type, only files matching this glob pattern are part of the available files.

Hidden Files

If file is selected as the data source type, this setting determines if hidden files are included in the available files or not.

Source Type

Set the data source type to plain, file, or menu for Insert Into and for Create Table.

If set to menu, a menu is offered where the user can choose the type of the data source. If set to plain or file, the respective setting is used directly without any menu.

Export Data

Destination Folder

Set the folder where the data to be exported will be saved as a CSV file.

File Name

File Extension CSV

If enabled, the file extension csv is automatically added to the file name.

Default File Name

If enabled, the table name will be used as the default file name.

CSV Options Out a

Set sep_char, quote_char, escape_char, eol and undef_str.

If left empty, default values are used except for eol, which is then set to $/ (input record separator).

For the meaning of the different options, see Text::CSV_XS.

CSV Options Out b

Set always_quote, binary, escape_null, quote_binary, quote_empty and quote_space.

For the meaning of the different options, see Text::CSV_XS.

File Encoding Out

The encoding of the exported CSV file.


If enabled, saves the menu position while entering a submenu.

Expand Table

Expand table rows:


If Return is pressed, the selected table row is printed with each column in its line. The first row is not expanded if the cursor auto-jumped to the first row.


Don't expand table rows.

Set the search behavior (Ctrl-F).

  • disabled

  • case-insensitive search

  • case-sensitive search

Mouse Mode

Set the Mouse mode (see "mouse" in Term::Choose).

DB2 Encoding

For DB2 databases only: set the application code set.

Data from a DB2 database is decoded using this encoding.


Display this documentation.


Displays the version and path of the running db-browser, along with the application directory path.


To locate the configuration files, run db-browser -h and select Path. The data is saved in JSON format.


Perl Version

Requires Perl version 5.14.0 or later.

Decoded Strings

db-browser expects decoded strings.

Non-mappable characters can disrupt the output.


Requires a terminal with a monospaced font supporting the printed characters.

The terminal must comprehend ANSI escape sequences. For MSWin32, App::DBBrowser utilizes Win32::Console::ANSI to emulate an ANSI console for the db-browser.


To browse the database, schema, table lists and table content, the user must possess the necessary database privileges for fetching the requested data.

db-browser expects an existing home directory with read and write permissions for the user of the db-browser.


Thanks to the and the people form stackoverflow for the help.


Matthäus Kiem <>


Copyright 2012-2025 Matthäus Kiem.


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5.10.0. For details, see the full text of the licenses in the file LICENSE.