CPAN::Local::Manual - How to assemble your custom repository
version 0.010
CPAN::Local is a rerepository management library inspired by Dist::Zilla, and focused on extensibility and DIY. It provides almost nothing out of the box, assumes as little as possible about what your use cases are, and mandates as little as possibles about how you should handle them. This makes it an ideal solutions when you have custom requirements and need fine-grained control over how your repository is populated.
This software is still experimental and does not have all the features that one may expect. If you needly mostly standard functionality and do not care much about customization, check "SEE ALSO" below for a list of alternatives.
CPAN::Local is built around roles and plugins. Roles represent different stages of the repository management process, while plugins implement these roles in order to get executed at those stages. A configuration file is used to specify which plugins should be enabled for a specific repository.
There are two types of roles: those that run as part of the update process:
- Gather
- Prune
- Inject
- Index
- Finalise
and standalone roles:
- Initialise
- Remove
- Cleanup
These are described in detail below.
Gather is run at the beginning of the update process, and its purpose is to collect the list of distributions that need to be added to the repository. Plugins that implement this role might for example fetch recently updated distributions from a public CPAN mirror, apply patches and rebuild distributions from CPAN, fetch private distributions from a local path, etc.
Prune is run after "Gather" and removies items from the list produced by "Gather". Plugins that implement this role might remove duplicates, fileter by distribution name or author, check for failing tests, check upload permissions, etc.
Inject is where distrubtion tarballs are actually copied to the respective author directory in the local repo.
The Index stage comes after all distributions are already available in the repo, and this is when the varioius index files (or wherever the indices are stored) should get updated.
The Finalise stage is executed last in the update process, and it expects the repository to be fully updated and in a consistent state. It can be used to execute any post-update actions that do not alter the state of the repo itself - i.e. sent a notification, commit to an uderlying version control system, trigger a CI run, etc.
Initialise is run when creating a new repository. Plugins that implement any of the above roles should use Initialise to make sure that any resources that they require exist. It is useful for things such as creating a sceleton directory structure, creating an empty database, creating emtpy index files, or initializing a version control system.
Romeve is executed by the `remove` command, which requests the removal of an individual distribution from the repository. Plugins that know how to add a distribution to the repo should also know how to remove it (i.e. from the file system, from the indices, etc.)
Cleanup is executed by the `clean` command, which removes all orphaned distributions from the repository. Plugins that implement the "Gather" role should be able to report which distributions they care for, so that ones that no plugin needs anymore can be deleted.
NOTE: The `clean` command is not implemented yet.
The following plugins currently come with the main CPAN::Local distribution:
- Inject
Injects a distribution into the respective author directory in the local repo.
- MailRc
Creates or updates 01mailrc.txt.
- PackagesDetails
Creates or updates 02packages.details.txt.
- ModList
Creates an empty
- Duplicates
Removes duplicate distribution (i.e. when different Gather plugins request the same distribution more than once).
Repository settings are kept in a file named cpanlocal.ini
in the root of the repository. See CPAN::Local::Plugin::DistroList (shipped separately) for an usage example.
Index files
- CPAN::Index::API
Read and write 00whois.xml, 01mailrc.txt, 02packages.details.txt, and
- PAUSE::Permissions
Read 06perms.txt
- CPAN::Indexer::Mirror
Write mirror.yml and mirror.json
- File::Rsync::Mirror::Recentfile
Read and write RECENT-XX.json files
- Parse::CPAN::MirroredBy
- Parse::CPAN::Distributions
Read find-ls
- CPAN::Checksums
Read and write checksums
Populating a repository
- CPAN::Inject
Add a distribution tarball to a local mirror
- CPAN::Cache
Mirror a file from a remote repo
Distribution metadata
- CPAN::DistnameInfo
Parse a distribution filename
- Dist::Metadata
Read a distribution META file
- CPAN::ParseDistribution
Use regular expressions to find distribution name, version, and provided packages
- Perl::PrereqScanner
Use PPI to find a distribution's dependencies
- Module::Depends::Intrusive
Execute Makefile.PL/Build.PL to find a distribution's dependencies
- CPAN::Faker
Build a dummy repo for testing
- CPAN::Faker::HTTPD
Build a dummy repo and serve it over http
- CPAN::Visitor
Traverse distributions in a repo
Other libraries for building private CPANs
Peter Shangov <>
This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Venda, Inc..
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.