
spvmdeps - Class Dependencies Analyzer


spvmdeps command is a class dependencies analyzer.


Usage: spvmdeps [OPTIONS] SCRIPT_NAME
  spvmdeps myapp.spvm
  spvmdeps --with-version myapp.spvm
  spvmdeps --cpanm --with-version myapp.spvm
  spvmdeps --cpanfile --with-version myapp.spvm
  -h, --help                      Shows this message
  -v, --version                   Shows the version
  -I, --include-dir DIRECTORY     Adds a include directory
  --json                          Prints JSON that contains all dependent class information.
  --cpanm                         Prints cpanm commands that contains dependent cpan modules
  --cpanfile                      Prints cpanfile that contains dependent cpan modules
  --with-version                  Output(default, --cpanm, --json) contains version information.
  --exclude CLASS_NAME            Excludes a class name. This option can be used repeatedly.
  --resource-info                 Shows config files of dependent resources



The spvmdeps command prints class dependency information.

Output Examples:


# --with-version
Sys 1.201
Regex 0.980
Foo (version_from Sys)

OPTIONS are options.

SCRIPT_NAME is a script name that contains a bootstrap method in an anon class.

class {
  static method main : void () {

See Class Search Directories about default class search directories.

See SPVM::Document::EnvironmentVariables about available environment variables.



Outputs how to use the spvmdeps command to standard output.



Same as "--help".


Outputs the version of the spvmdeps command to standard output. This version is the same as the version of SPVM.



Same as "--version".


--include-dir DIRECTORY

Prepends DIRECTORY to class search directories

This option can be specified multiple times.

--include-dir dir1 --include-dir dir2

In this case, class search directories becomes the following.

[dir1, dir2, default_dirs]



Same as "--include-dir".



Prints JSON that contains all dependent class information.

Output Examples:


# --with-version



Prints cpanm commands that contains dependent CPAN modules. Classes its version is specified are treated as dependent CPAN modules.

Output Examples:

cpanm SPVM
cpanm SPVM::Sys
cpanm SPVM::Regex

# --with-version
cpanm SPVM@1.001
cpanm SPVM::Sys@1.201
cpanm SPVM::Regex@0.980



Prints cpanfile that contains dependent CPAN modules. Classes its version is specified are treated as dependent CPAN modules.

Output Examples:

requires 'SPVM';
requires 'SPVM::Sys';
requires 'SPVM::Regex';

# --with-version
requires 'SPVM', '== 1.001';
requires 'SPVM::Sys', '== 1.201';
requires 'SPVM::Regex', '== 0.980';



Output(default, "--cpanm", "--cpanfile", "--json") contains version information.



Excludes a class name. This option can be used repeatedly.


--exclude TestCase::Foo

Wildcard * can be used.

--exclude TestCase::*



Shows all config files loading resources.

lib Directive

If the source code specified by SCRIPT_NAME contains lib directives, The directories specified by lib directive is prepeneded to class search directories.

#lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib"

class {


This directories specified by lib directive is placed after the directories specified by "--include-dir" option.

Copyright & License

Copyright 2023 Yuki Kimoto. All Rights Reserved.

MIT License.