map - An utility to map texts from and to unicode
map - recode from and to various character sets.
Reads from STDIN, writes to STDOUT.
usage: map [--from cset] [--to cset] < input.txt > output.txt
from s Encoding of input files (default "ISO-8859-1")
list Lists available character sets and their alias names.
to s Encoding of output files (default "ISO-8859-1")
Maps text from one character set representation to another. This work is actually long time very well done by recode
, but unfortunately recode does not support Unicode and eastern asia character sets. But, if you have pure 8 bit things to do, recode will still be the best solution.
Conversion from ISO-8859-1 to Unicode:
map --to unicode < iso-8859-1.txt > unicode.txt
Conversion from GB2312 to CP936:
map --from cp936 --to GB2312 < gb2312.txt > cp936.txt
Conversion from CP850 to Unicode:
map --from cp850 --to unicode < cp850.txt > unicode.txt
recode(1), Unicode::Map(3), Unicode::Map8(3), Unicode::String(3)
Martin Schwartz <>.