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mcpani -- A command line tool to manage a CPAN Mini Mirror.


mcpani [options] < --add | --update | --mirror | --inject >


    --add               Add a new package to the repository
          --module      Name of the module to add
          --authorid    Author ID of the module
          --modversion  Version number of the module
          --file        distribution module

    --update            Update local CPAN mirror and inject modules
    --mirror            Update local CPAN mirror from remote
    --inject            Add modules from repository to CPAN mirror


    -h, --help          This synopsis
    -H, --man           Detailed description

    -l, --local         local location for CPAN::Mini Mirror
    -r, --remote        CPAN mirror to mirror from
    -p, --passive       Enable passive ftp for mirroring.
    -v, --verbose       verbose output
    -V, --version       Version information.
        --signing-key   See CPAN::Checksums $SIGNING_KEY


mcpani uses CPAN::Mini to build or update a local CPAN mirror from a remote one, while also adding private or third-party distributions.

Configuration file

mcpani will search the following four places in order:

  • file pointed to by the environment variable MCPANI_CONFIG

  • $HOME/.mcpani/config

  • /usr/local/etc/mcpani

  • /etc/mcpani

By default, mcpani uses a simple configuration file in the following format:

 local: /www/CPAN
 repository: /work/mymodules
 passive: yes
 dirmode: 0755

Configuration options

local (required)

location to store local CPAN::Mini mirror

remote (required)

CPAN site(s) to mirror from. Multiple sites can be listed, with spaces between them.


Location to store modules to add to the local CPAN::Mini mirror.


Enable passive FTP.


Set the permissions of created directories to the specified mode (octal value). The default value is based on the umask (if supported).

Command-line options

--authorid the CPAN ID
--file the distribution file
--module the package name of the main module
-v, --verbose
--version the version of the distribution
-h, -H, --help, --man, -?

Output a help message and exit.


Inject the local distributions into the local repository.

-v, --verbose

Update the local MiniCPAN by downloading the latest modules from the public CPAN (or the CPAN-like repo specified in the remote config. --mirror uses

-l, --local
-r, --remote
-v, --verbose

This runs --mirror then --inject.

-V, --version

Output the version of mcpani and exit.


Shawn Sorichetti <>


Report issues to the GitHub queue:


Copyright 2004 Shawn Sorichetti, All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.