recs-fromsplit --help-all
Help from: --help-basic:
Usage: recs-fromsplit <args> [<files>]
Each line of input (or lines of <files>) is split on provided delimiter to
produce an output record. Keys are named numerically (0, 1, etc.) or as
given by --key.
--delim|-d <delim> Delimiter to use for splitting input lines
(default ',').
--key|-k <key> Comma separated list of key names. May be
specified multiple times, may be key specs
--header Take key names from the first line of input.
--strict Delimiter is not treated as a regex
--filename-key|fk <keyspec> Add a key with the source filename (if no
filename is applicable will put NONE)
Help Options:
--help-all Output all help for this script
--help This help screen
--help-keyspecs Help on keyspecs, a way to index deeply and with regexes
Parse space separated keys x and y.
recs-fromsplit --key x,y --delim ' '
Parse comma separated keys a, b, and c.
recs-fromsplit --key a,b,c
Help from: --help-keyspecs:
A key spec is short way of specifying a field with prefixes or regular
expressions, it may also be nested into hashes and arrays. Use a '/' to nest
into a hash and a '#NUM' to index into an array (i.e. #2)
An example is in order, take a record like this:
{"biz":["a","b","c"],"foo":{"bar 1":1},"zap":"blah1"}
{"biz":["a","b","c"],"foo":{"bar 1":2},"zap":"blah2"}
{"biz":["a","b","c"],"foo":{"bar 1":3},"zap":"blah3"}
In this case a key spec of 'foo/bar 1' would have the values 1,2, and 3 in
the respective records.
Similarly, 'biz/#0' would have the value of 'a' for all 3 records
You can also prefix key specs with '@' to engage the fuzzy matching logic
Fuzzy matching works like this in order, first key to match wins
1. Exact match ( eq )
2. Prefix match ( m/^/ )
3. Match anywehre in the key (m//)
So, in the above example '@b/#2', the 'b' portion would expand to 'biz' and 2
would be the index into the array, so all records would have the value of 'c'
Simiarly, @f/b would have values 1, 2, and 3
You can escape / with a \. For example, if you have a record:
You can address that key with foo\/bar
See App::RecordStream for an overview of the scripts and the system
recs examples
or see App::RecordStream::Manual::Examples for a set of simple recs examplesRun
recs story
or see App::RecordStream::Manual::Story for a humorous introduction to RecordStreamEvery command has a
mode available to print out usage and examples for the particular command, just like the output above.