Dancer::Plugin::RPC::JSONRPC - Dancer Plugin to register jsonrpc2 methods.


In the Controler-bit:

jsonrpc '/endpoint' => {
publish => 'pod',
arguments => ['MyProject::Admin']

and in the Model-bit (MyProject::Admin):

=for jsonrpc rpc.abilities rpc_show_abilities
sub rpc_show_abilities {
return {
# datastructure


This plugin lets one bind an endpoint to a set of modules with the new jsonrpc keyword.

jsonrpc '/endpoint' => \%publisher_arguments;


callback => $coderef [optional]

The callback will be called just before the actual rpc-code is called from the dispatch table. The arguments are positional: (full_request, method_name).

my Dancer::RPCPlugin::CallbackResult $continue = $callback
? $callback->(request(), $method_name, @method_args)
: callback_success();

The callback should return a Dancer::RPCPlugin::CallbackResult instance:

  • on_success

  • on_failure

    error_code => <numeric_code>,
    error_message => <error message>
code_wrapper => $coderef [optional]

The codewrapper will be called with these positional arguments:

1. $call_coderef
2. $package (where $call_coderef is)
3. $method_name
4. @arguments

The default code_wrapper-sub is:

sub {
my $code = shift;
my $pkg = shift;
publisher => <config | pod | \&code_ref>

The publiser key determines the way one connects the rpc-method name with the actual code.

publisher => 'config'

This way of publishing requires you to create a dispatch-table in the app's config YAML:

admin.someFunction: rpc_admin_some_function_name
user.otherFunction: rpc_user_other_function_name

The Config-publisher doesn't use the arguments value of the %publisher_arguments hash.

publisher => 'pod'

This way of publishing enables one to use a special POD directive =for jsonrpc to connect the rpc-method name to the actual code. The directive must be in the same file as where the code resides.

=for jsonrpc admin.someFunction rpc_admin_some_function_name

The POD-publisher needs the arguments value to be an arrayref with package names in it.

publisher => \&code_ref

This way of publishing requires you to write your own way of building the dispatch-table. The code_ref you supply, gets the arguments value of the %publisher_arguments hash.

A dispatch-table looks like:

return {
'admin.someFuncion' => dispatch_item(
package => 'MyProject::Admin',
code => MyProject::Admin->can('rpc_admin_some_function_name'),
'user.otherFunction' => dispatch_item(
package => 'MyProject::User',
code => MyProject::User->can('rpc_user_other_function_name'),
arguments => <anything>

The value of this key depends on the publisher-method chosen.

=for jsonrpc jsonrpc-method-name sub-name

This special POD-construct is used for coupling the jsonrpc-methodname to the actual sub-name in the current package.



Deserializes the string as Perl-datastructure.


Returns a jsonrpc error response as a hashref.


Creates a (partial) dispatch table from data passed from the (YAML)-config file.


Creates a (partial) dispatch table from data provided in POD.


(c) MMXVI - Abe Timmerman <>.