Template::Directive - Object class for defining directives that represent the opcodes of the Template processor.


use Template::Directive;

my $dir = Template::Directive->new(\@opcodes);
my $inc = Template::Directive::Include->new(\@ident, \@params);
my $if  = Template::Directive::If->new(\@expr, $true_block, $else_block);
my $for = Template::Directive::For->new(\@list, $block, $varname);
my $blk = Template::Directive::Block->new($content);
my $txt = Template::Directive::Text->new($text);
my $thr = Template::Directive::Throw->new($errtype, \@expr);
my $cth = Template::Directive::Catch->new($errtype, $block);
my $ret = Template::Directive::Return->new($retval);
my $dbg = Template::Directive::Debug->new($text);


The Template::Directive module defines a class which represents the basic operations of the Template Processor. These are created and returned (in tree form) by the Template::Parser object as a product of parsing a template file. The process() method is called on the directives at the time at which the "compiled" template is rendered for output.

The derived classes of Template::Directive, as listed above, define specific operations of the template processor. You don't really need to worry about them unless you plan to hack on the internals of the processor.


Andy Wardley <>


$Revision: 1.30 $


Copyright (C) 1996-1999 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved. Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Template, Template::Stash, Template::Parser, Template::Grammar