Data::Range::Compare::Stream::Iterator::File - Simple File Iterator


use Data::Range::Compare::Stream;
use Data::Range::Compare::Stream::Iterator::File;

my $iterator=Data::Range::Compare::Stream::Iterator::File->new(

while($iterator->has_next) {
  my $next_range=$iterator->get_next;
  print $next_range,"\n";


This module implements a very simple file iterator interface. This iterator interface assumes that the data is pre-sorted. The result objects returned are ranges: The class the objects are constructed from is determined by $iterator->NEW_FROM. Parsing is handled by $iterator->parse_line.

OO Methods

  • my $iterator=new Data::Range::Compare::Stream::Iterator::File;

    Instance Constructor, all arguments are optional

    One of the following arguments is mandatory:

      # the file is assumed to be an absolute or relative path to the file location.
      # The object itself is assumed to be an open file handle
      # filename will be set to the object ref of the fh=>xxx object

    Optional arguments:

      # sets the object class new ranges will be created from
      # Default: undef, Sets the code ref to be used when parsing a line
      # if not set the default internals will be used
      # Default: undef, Sets the code ref used to convert a result to a line that can be parsed
      # if not set the default internals will be used
  • if($iterator->in_error) { ... }

    Returns true if there was a problem opening the file.

  • my $class=$iterator->NEW_FROM;

    $class will contain the name of the class new ranges are to be constructed from. The resulting class is required to extend or implement Data::Range::Compare::Stream.

  • my $ref=$self->parse_line($line);

    Given a $line returns the arguments required to construct an object that extends or implements Data::Range::Compare::Stream. When overloading or passing in constructor arguments that provide a call back make sure result_to_line produces the expected line parse_line expects.

    sub parse_line {
      my ($self,$line)=@_;
      return $self->{parse_line}->($line) if defined($self->{parse_line});
      chomp $line;
      [split /\s+/,$line];
  • while($iterator->has_next) { do something }

    Returns true when there are more rows to fetch.

  • my $range=$iterator->get_next;

    Returns the next $range from the given source file.

  • my $line=$iterator->result_to_line($range);

    Given a $range from $iterator->get_next, this interface converts the $range object into a line that can be parsed by $iterator->parse_line($line). Think of this function as a data serializer for range objects generated by an $iterator object. The code can be described as follows:

    sub result_to_line {
      my ($self,$range)=@_;
      my $line=$range->range_start_to_string.' '.$range->range_end_to_string."\n";
      return $line;
  • my $size=$iterator->get_size

    Returns the number of lines in the source file.

  • my $pos=$iterator->get_pos;

    Returns the current line the iterator is on.




Michael Shipper

Source-Forge Project

As of version 0.001 the Project has been moved to

Data Range Compare


Copyright 2011 Michael Shipper. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.