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Lab::XPRESS::Sweep - Base sweep class


version 3.831


        Lab::XPRESS::Sweep is meant to be used as a base class for inheriting Sweeps.
        It should not be used directly. 


The Lab::XPRESS::Sweep class implements major parts of the Lab::XPRESS framework, a modular way for easy scripting measurements in perl and Lab::Measurement. Direct usage of this class would not result in any action. However it constitutes the fundament for more spezialized subclass Sweeps e.g. Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::Magnet.


The configuration parameters are described in the particular subclasses (e.g. Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::Magnet).


add_DataFile [Lab::XPRESS::Data::XPRESS_DataFile object]

use this method to assign a DataFile object with a sweep if it operates as a slave or as a individual sweep. The sweep will call the user-defined measurment routine assigned with the DataFile. Sweeps accept multiple DataFile objects when add_DataFile is used repeatedly.


use this method to execute the sweep.


returns by default the current value of the points array or the current step. The method is intended to be overloaded by Sweep-Subclasses, in order to return the current value of the sweeping instrument.

LOG [hash, int (default = 0)]

use this method to store the data collected by user-defined measurment routine in the DataFile object.

The hash has to look like this: $column_name => $value The column_name has to be one of the previously defined columnames in the DataFile object.

When using multiple DataFile objects within one sweep, you can direct the data hash one of the DataFiles by the second parameter (int). If this parameter is set to 0 (default) the data hash will be directed to all DataFile objects.

Examples: $sweep->LOG({ 'voltage' => 10, 'current' => 1e-6, 'reistance' => $R });


        $sweep->LOG({'voltage' => 10});
        $sweep->LOG({'current' => 1e-6});
        $sweep->LOG({'reistance' => $R});

for two DataFiles:

        # this value will be logged in both DataFiles
        $sweep->LOG({'voltage' => 10},0); 

        # this values will be logged in DataFile 1
                'current' => 1e-6,
                'reistance' => $R1

        # this values will be logged in DataFile 2
                'current' => 10e-6,
                'reistance' => $R2



use this method, in order to stop the current sweep. Example:

        # Stop a voltage Sweep if device current exeeds a critical limit.

        if ($current > $high_limit) {



preefine the default_config hash values in method 'new':

        sub new {
            my $proto = shift;
                my @args=@_;
            my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; 
                my $self->{default_config} = {
                        id => 'Magnet_sweep',
                        filename_extension => 'B=',
                        interval        => 1,
                        points  =>      [],
                        duration        => [],
                        mode    => 'continuous',
                        allowed_instruments => ['Lab::Instrument::IPS', 'Lab::Instrument::IPSWeiss1', 'Lab::Instrument::IPSWeiss2', 'Lab::Instrument::IPSWeissDillFridge'],
                        allowed_sweep_modes => ['continuous', 'list', 'step'],
                        number_of_points => [undef]
                $self = $class->SUPER::new($self->{default_config},@args);      
                bless ($self, $class);
            return $self;

the following methodes have to be overloaded in the subclass:

        sub go_to_sweep_start{}
        sub start_continuous_sweep{}
        sub go_to_next_step{}
        sub exit_loop{}
        sub get_value{}
        sub exit{}

additionally see one of the present Sweep-Subclasses.


probably some


This software is copyright (c) 2022 by the Lab::Measurement team; in detail:

  Copyright 2012       Stefan Geissler
            2013       Alois Dirnaichner, Andreas K. Huettel, Christian Butschkow, Stefan Geissler
            2014       Alexei Iankilevitch, Christian Butschkow
            2015       Christian Butschkow
            2016-2017  Andreas K. Huettel, Simon Reinhardt
            2018       Simon Reinhardt
            2020       Andreas K. Huettel

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.