Evo::Manager - Perl Evo manager


version 0.012


use Evo::Base -strict;
use Evo::Manager;
use Evo::Wrappers 'w_dsl_init';
my $mngr  = Evo::Manager->new;
my $way   = $mngr->build_way;
my $train = $mngr->build_train(way => $way);

my $curry = $mngr->curry_wrappers(w_dsl_init);
$curry->(sub { say keys $mngr->current->%* })->($mngr->build_train);

my @args = qw(1 2);
my $stash = {foo => 'bar'};
$mngr->dsl_call($stash, @args, sub { say $mngr->current('foo'); say @_ });

# see more example in docs


Your can consider a manager as a builder + organazer. That was made to make a usage simple. This class subclasses Railway::Builder and provide a glue to make features working together with a less typing.



A default curry function, bassed to Evo::Way instances. Dont't make this as an attribute while subclassing, unless you are sure what you want


my $context = $mngr->check_current;
my $exists  = $mngr->check_current('key');

Safely check a current context without throwing an extention.


Work with current context

# get all context
my $current = $mngr->current;

# get value by key
my $val = $mngr->current('key');

# set value once
$mngr->current('new' => 'val')->current('new');

Thows an error when is called outside dsl. Throws an error if key doesn't exist Throws an error on attempts to override existing key. You can also use "check_current" or as hash referrence, but in most cases if you get an error, you're doing something wrong.


Invoke a callback with dsl. First argument is "current" context, last is a code referrence, others will be passed as arguments

$mngr->dsl_call({}, 1, 2, sub { });
$mngr->dsl_call({foo => 2}, sub { say $mngr->current('foo') });

dsl_extend (Experimental)

  {foo => 2},
  sub {
    local $, = '; ';
    say keys $mngr->current->%*;
    $mngr->dsl_extend({bar => 3}, sub { say keys $mngr->current->%*; });
    say keys $mngr->current->%*;

Extends current dsl with keys from first argument for invocation of the last one. Others will be passed as arguments. You still can'not override existing keys. Thows an expection outside dsl


my $wrapped =  $mngr->run_wrappers(@wrappers, $cb);

Run wrappers for a callback in reverse order. Wrappers are higher-order functions. See an examples in synopsis or "w_dsl_init" in Evo::Wrappers Or wait for an article

Returns a last argument, if it is the only one and no wrappers provided


my $curry   = $mngr->curry_wrappers(@wrappers);
my $curried = $curry->($cb);

my @extra_wrappers;
$curry->(@extra_wrappers, $cb)->();

Creates a curry function for wrappers, that invokes "run_wrappers" with given list + passed arguments.

singleton Singleton - the same instance will be returned for every invocation

my $single = Evo::Manager->singleton;  


A depth of recurcive L</"dsl_call"> or L</"dsl_extend"> invocations by
instance. C<0> means we are not in the dsl


The same as L</"dsl_depth"> but calculates all invocations of all instances.


Curry isn't a real currying function, it's a partial function. But I have no idea how to name it. So it's a subject to change in the future (and all relayed attributes)


Builds a Evo::Way instance passing a result of invocation "default_curry" to it as a "curry" in Evo::Way attribute.



This software is copyright (c) 2015 by alexbyk.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.