circa_admin - Update Circa search database
circa_admin OPTIONS
circa_admin is used to manage url on circa database. If this is the first time you use Circa, you can do:
circa_admin --create --add_account --url=
This create needed tables and an account 1. Then to index your first url until depth 5, do:
circa_admin --id=1 --parse_new --depth=5
To update these url weekly, use something like this in your cron:
circa_admin --id=1 --update=7 --depth=5
Options supported at this moment:
Manage account
- --create
Create needed table for Circa
- --drop
Drop table for Circa (All Mysql data related to circa lost !)
- --export
Export all data in circa.sql
- --exportId --id=integer
Export data for account id in circa_id.sql
- --import
Import data from circa.sql
- --drop_id --id=integer
Drop table for account id
- --add_account_prompt
Add a account with prompt for parameters
- --add_account --url=string [OPTIONS add_account]>
Create account for url
Options for add_account
Optionnels options are:
- --email=string
Email for responsable of account
- --title=string
Title of account
- --masque=path to file
File used in search
- --categorieAuto=0/1
Guess categorie from directory
- --orig=string --dest=string
Do index on orig, but search on dest. Use this with file / http. Eg:
circa_admin --add --url= \ --orig=file:///mnt/jupiter/usr/local/apache/htdocs/ \ --dest=
Be careful to 3 '/' at begin of file, and a '/' at end of 2 url.
Manage url in one account
- --add --url=string --id=integer
Add url in account id.
- --parse_new --id=integer
Parse and indexe url last added for account id
- --update=nb day --id=integer
Update url for account id last indexed nb_day ago
- --stats --id=id_account
Give some stat about account id
- --debug=(1-5)
Verbose level
- --proxy=http://ip:port
Proxy to use
- --config
Dump of CircaConf
- --depth=integer
Recursive index until depth is reached
- --minW=integer
Minimum weight for index a word
$Revision: 1.5 $