Incunabulum::Docs::Devel - Incunabulum Developers' Reference (API)


This manual documents the Incunabulum API as visible to the Perl programmer. System administrators should read Incunabulum::Docs::Admin instead.

The Incunabulum API is implemented as a series of core modules which request modules in the ::Plugins namespace to register as plugins. At startup (specifically, at the PerlPostConfigHandler stage), each core Incunabulum module requests that all packages in its namespace register themselves as plugins. Each module's list of plugins is stored in a package-global array. These package-global arrays are then stored in the Incunabulum base module. To realise functionality, each Incunabulum core module retrieves the relevant array of plugins. For each function, a UNIVERSAL::can() check is made against each plugin to see if it supports the requested function. Those plugins which don't care about a certain event happening can safely ignore it. This frees plugin authors from having to write empty functions just to appease an API.

At a higher level, all of this functionality is implemented using the Module::Pluggable::Ordered module. Read below for the specifics.



Incunabulum plugins are implemented using Simon Cozen's excellent Module::Pluggable::Ordered, which means that plugin developers can specify some relative order for their plugins to execute. The plugin developer has the choice of implementing each function, and also has the choice of what to do with the arguments passed to each function that they do implement. A plugin can simply print an appropriate content type, an empty document, and flush @_ out to /dev/null, if its author so pleased.

The top-level Incunabulum Controller module registers a PerlResponseHandler which parses all requests' URLs and calls the relevant module's plugins. Each function is called with one or more arguments, as described below. As mentioned earlier, the only thing that a plugin needs to do is to output the appropriate content type and the minimum required data for a document of that type. Because of the usage of Module::Pluggable::Ordered, plugin authors can create a series of plugins which perform related, sequential tasks. Many more imaginative constructs are possible. Discerning how many is left as an exercise for the reader.


Now, to make Incunabulum useful, plugins need to do things. True to its minimalist, extensibile, and configurable nature, any module which adheres to the Incunabulum API and which outputs something parsable by the targeted web user agents is valid. Incunabulum follows the MVC paradigm ( A brief introduction to this development pattern is provided below for those not familiar with it; those seeking a deeper understanding should certainly pursue the Wikipedia link. The MVC structure is fairly simple to understand. The model defines an interface-independent view of the data of the system. The view defines user interface, and the controller is responsible for directly responding to user events, such as a page request.


The model concept applies simply enough to Incunabulum: it dictates the logic of how the system works. The model is where such things as authentication, user management, and site policy have their backends. The controller queries the model for what to do with request that it's given. The model returns an answer to the controller. All model code belongs in the Incunabulum::Model namespace. That's all that a model implementer needs to know.


The view of an MVC system implements the user interface -- what users see. In the case of a weblog, this is most commonly a browser-parsable document, typically adhering to some form of (X)HTML standard or another. The model instructs the view to render its data in an appropriate fashion before returning to the controller.


All interaction between Incunabulum and user starts with the controller. Incunabulum::Controller is the location of Incunabulum's main handler sub, the heart of every request. This code looks at the URL, some configuration and state information, and decides what to do with it. Typically it hands control off to the model, which then proceeds to feed data to the view for rendering.


Incunabulum provides an object-oriented interface. Following are some short snippets which demonstrate the object-oriented interfaces. Note the elision of strict, warnings, and taint-checking in these examples: this is purely for the purpose of simplicity.

use Incunabulum;

my $weblog = Incunabulum->new
	data_source	=> 'rdbms',
	dsn		=> ['dbi:pg:dbname=inc', 'user', 'pass'],
	credentials	=>
		inc_user => 'my_user',
		inc_pass => 'my_pass'

print $weblog->post->by_title('A Perl Diddy')->view->as_string()
	or die $weblog->errstr();

# or ...

my $post = $weblog->post->by_title('A Perl Diddy');
die $weblog->errstr() unless defined $post;
print $post->view->as_string() or die $weblog->errstr();

# or, for a group of posts matching a title pattern ...

my @posts = $weblog->post->by_title('Perl Diddy');	# by_title()
	or die $weblog->errstr() . "\n";		# is context-
for my $post(@posts)					# aware
	print "Post title: " . $post->title() . "\n" or die
	print $post->view->as_string() or die $weblog->errstr();

Public API

The API of Incunabulum is defined as the API documented in Incunabulum's documentation. What this means is that if it's not documented, it doesn't exist. Perl's default access control mechanisms (if you can call them that) for code inside a package are pretty lenient and don't lend themselves well to the encapsulation required for a more traditional OO approach. This is a great thing, of course, and it lets you do what you need to do to accomplish what you want.

But this also means you can stick your fingers, nose, and other parts of yourself in places where they don't belong, places with rapidly moving and dangerous parts. I'm not going to stop you from sticking your fingers and other parts in these areas; there's not much I can do without adding hard dependencies on other modules or adding ugly checks to the code. Don't depend on non-documented APIs to continue working the way you expect, or even to exist in any fashion in the future. There's not much I can do to help fix your code after an internal API change, unless you want to hire me as a contractor. ;)

On the gripping hand, my design can turn out to be complete and utter manure. If you feel this is the case, please do send me email so that we can come to an understanding.


$Id: Devel.pod 14 2007-07-07 03:35:33Z apeiron $


Christopher Nehren, <>