PDF::API2::TTF::Hmtx - Horizontal Metrics
Contains the advance width and left side bearing for each glyph. Given the compressability of the data onto disk, this table uses information from other tables, and thus must do part of its output during the output of other tables
The horizontal metrics are kept in two arrays by glyph id. The variable names do not start with a space
- advance
An array containing the advance width for each glyph
- lsb
An array containing the left side bearing for each glyph
Reads the horizontal metrics from the TTF file into memory
Calculates again the number of long metrics required to store the information here. Returns undef if the table has not been read.
Writes the metrics to a TTF file. Assumes that the hhea
has updated the numHMetrics from here
Updates the lsb values from the xMin from the each glyph
$t->out_xml($context, $depth)
Outputs the table in XML
None known
Martin Hosken See PDF::API2::TTF::Font for copyright and licensing.