Linux::Info::DiskStats::Options - Configuration for Linux::Info::DiskStats instances.


version 2.13


$opts = Linux::Info::DiskStats::Options->new({
    backwards_compatible => 1,
    source_file          => '/tmp/foobar.txt',
    init_file            => '/tmp/diskstats.yml',
    global_block_size    => 4096,
    current_kernel       => '2.6.18-0-generic',


Configuration for Linux::Info::DiskStats can get so complex that is worth creating a class to describe and validate it.

The good news is that a instance of Linux::Info::DiskStats::Options doesn't need to be that complex in every situation. But you will be glad to get validations in place anyway.



The optional keys:

  • backwards_compatible: if true (1), the returned statistics will be those provided by backwards compatibility. Also, it defines that block size information is required.

    If false (0), the new set of fields will be available.

    Defaults to true.

  • source_file: if provided, that will be the source file were the statistics will be read from. Otherwise, the default location (based on Linux kernel version) will be used instead. It is basically used to enable unit testing.

  • init_file: if set, you may to store/load the initial statistics to/from a file:

    my $lxs = Linux::Info::DiskStats->new({init_file => '/tmp/diskstats.yml'});

    If you set init_file it's not necessary to call sleep before get.

  • global_block_size: with an integer as the value, all attached disks will have calculated statistics based on this value. You may use this if all the disks are using the same file system type.

    It is checked only if backwards_compatible is true.

  • block_sizes: if there are different file systems mounted, you will need to resort to a more complex configuration setting:

    my $opts_ref = {
        block_sizes => {
            deviceA => 512,
            deviceB => 4096,

    It is checked only if backwards_compatible is true.

Regarding block sizes, you must choose one key or the other if backwards_compatible is true. If both are absent, instances will die during creation by invoking new.


Getter for the init_file attribute.

It will return undef if the property wasn't defined.


Getter for the source_file attribute.

It will return undef if the property wasn't defined.


Getter for the backwards_compatible attribute.

It will return undef if the property wasn't defined.


Getter for the block_sizes attribute.

It will return undef if the property wasn't defined.


Getter for the global_block_size attribute.

It will return undef if the property wasn't defined.


Getter for the current_kernel attribute.

It will return undef if the property wasn't defined.



Alceu Rodrigues de Freitas Junior <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2015 by Alceu Rodrigues de Freitas Junior.

This is free software, licensed under:

The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007