YiJing::0x3f - Wei\ Ji\ (Not Ready For Prime Time)
"You've done the first 90%; now you have only the other 90% left!"
Fun. If you let that small bug interfere with data stream, then you'll have to tail the log, because nothing will work.
彖曰:未濟,亨﹔柔得中也。 小狐汔濟,未出中也。 濡其尾,無攸利﹔
不續終也。 雖不當位,剛柔應也。
It's fun before finishing a job; your software is stuck in the middle of schedule. Bugs keeps disturbing you, and the project is going nowhere. Tail the log to discover the problem, so you can solve it before deadline.
Although all the bits are in the wrong place, at least the ones and zeros occur in turn.
Code hovering over Depth; the project is not ready for prime time. Therefore the Hacker is careful to find the nature of each objects, so that each finds its place.
初六:濡其尾,吝。 象曰:濡其尾,亦不知極也。
Errors occurring in the tail of logfile. What a shame.
... Haven't you had enough of that?
九二:曳其輪,貞吉。 象曰:九二貞吉,中以行正。
The Wheel object is moving along. Hack on will bring good fortune.
... Keep to the right cause, and stay in course!
六三:未濟,征凶,利涉大川。 象曰:未濟征凶,位不當也。
Release before its time brings misfortune; try some large samples first.
... Release untested software is the Wrong Thing to do.
九四:貞吉,悔亡,震用伐鬼方,三年有賞于大國。 象曰:貞吉悔亡,志行也。
Hack on, you're in luck! No need to regret, launch thunderous attack to the System from Hell; in three years, a large group will reward your effort.
... Hack on without looking back, that's truly a devotion.
六五:貞吉,無悔,君子之光,有孚,吉。 象曰:君子之光,其暉吉也。
Hack on, you're in luck. No remorse. The light of True Hacker is with you. Hunt down the bug, good fortune.
... The radiance of True Hacker shall bring you luck.
上九:有孚于飲酒,無咎,濡其首,有孚失是。 象曰:飲酒濡首,亦不知節也。
Hunt down bugs while drinking beer, no problem. But if alcohol went over your head, you'll end up create more bugs.
... Got drunk in beer? Can't you control yourself?
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 11:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '未濟:亨,小狐汔濟,濡其尾,無攸利。'. Assuming UTF-8