YiJing::0x0c - Tong/ Ren/ (Listserv)
"So you're all interested in the same thing. See if you can all get along!"
Getting to know other people in the world. Fun. Sifting through large volume of discussions is good for diligent hackers.
When the empathetic nature of human interaction is applied to hacking, mailing lists and forums are formed.
"Getting to know other people in the world" is a noble motivation to hacking; it is what keeps great projects going. A wise hacker should correspond with character and honesty -- it is the only way to communicate your ideas with people around the world.
Hackers discussing their works forms the Image of a Listserv. People with similiar minds are bound together to explore their common interests.
Common interest, no trouble.
... People on the list share your interests; nobody will cause you troubles.
六二。同人于宗。吝。 象曰。同人于宗。吝道也。
Infighting among the same camp. Tough.
... Taking noncompromising positions on your kinfolks is the sure path to infighting.
九三:伏戎于莽,升其高陵,三歲不興。 象曰:伏戎于莽,敵剛也。三歲不興,安行也。
Trolls everywhere with their holier-than-thou attitudes. The list is ruined for three years.
... The signal-to-noise ratio dropped significantly. Find some other place for people to calm down and talk again.
九四:乘其墉,弗克攻,吉。 象曰:乘其墉,義弗克也,其吉,則困而反則也。
Stick to the point, don't flame others. Good fortune.
... Don't be provoked and stick to the point, so you can discuss constructively; otherwise, the thread will stuck and get nowhere.
九五:同人,先號啕而后笑。大師克相遇。 象曰:同人之先,以中直也。大師相遇,言相克也。
Shouting and whining at first, now laughing together: Two camps are clashed against each other.
... Before you make friends with others, don't reject their honest criticisms. When two camps meet, strong opinions are unavoidable.
上九:同人于郊,無悔。 象曰:同人于郊,志未得也。
The enthusiasm is getting thin, but there are no regrets.
... Although you did not complete the work you set out to do, the members are still associated together.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 12:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '同人:同人于野,亨。利涉大川,利君子貞。'. Assuming UTF-8