YiJing::0x38 - Xun\ (Data Flow)
Data flow brings moderate fun. Good to move forward and meet helpful folks.
This hexagram is made of a pair of "Data Flow" trigrams. The Data Flow shows a tricky relationship -- you depend on the Data Flow, your system is carefully adapted to it, but you can never really be sure that it won't all break tomorrow. This understandably leads to worry and indecision.
To follow the Wind is how one should handle the Data Flow. A wise hacker should simply do what the situation calls for, instead of worrying about what to do.
初六。進退。利武人之貞。 象曰。進退。志疑也。利武人之貞。志治也。
Choose any one, and stick with it.
... Pick something and sticking with it, instead of spending forever fretting over which choice is better.
九二。巽在床下。用史巫紛若。吉無咎。 象曰。紛若之吉。得中也。
Consult an expert.
... Everything will be fine if you stop hiding under your desk worrying about the situation, and go see an expert about it.
九三。頻巽。吝。 象曰。頻巽之吝。志窮也。
Here we go again.
... Too much of this kind of trouble over and over will burn you out.
六四。悔亡。田獲三品。 象曰。田獲三品。有功也。
Now that wasn't so bad, was it?
... You'll happily solve three kinds of problems at once.
九五。貞吉悔亡。無不利。無初有終。先庚三日。后庚三日。吉。 象曰。九五之吉。位正中也。
Preview and review.
... Go right ahead cheerfully. It didn't start out well, but it will end up just fine. Test it three days before, and again three days after.
上九。巽在床下。喪其資斧。貞凶。 象曰。巽在床下。上窮也。喪其資斧。正乎凶也。
Penny wise, pound foolish.
... You spent so long on this problem that you didn't see other fatal problems coming.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 11:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '巽。小亨。利攸往。利見大人。'. Assuming UTF-8